
SupMover - Shift timings and Screen Area of PGS/Sup subtitle

Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


SupMover - Shift timings and Screen Area of PGS/Sup subtitle


SupMover (<input.sup> <output.sup>) [delay (ms)] [crop (<left> <top> <right> <bottom>)] [resync (<num>/<den> | multFactor)] [add_zero] [tonemap <perc>] [cut_merge <Cut&Merge option>]

SupMover (<input.sup> <output.sup> <ms>) old syntax, kept for backward compatibility


  • delay
    • Apply a milliseconds delay, positive or negative, to all the subpic of the subtitle, it can be fractional as the SUP speficication have a precision of 1/90ms
  • resync
    • Multiply all the timestamp by this factor, this can also be supplied as a fraction
  • crop
    • Crop the windows area of all subpic by the inputed parameters.
    • This is done losslessly by only shifting the windows position (the image data is left untouched).
    • Crop functionality is not exstensivelly tested when multiple Composition Object or Windows are present or when the windows are is outside the new screen area, a warning is issued if that's the case and i strongly advise to check the resulting subtitle with a video player, also handling of the Object Cropped flag and windows area bigger than the new screen area is not implemented, a warning is issued if needed
  • delay + resync
    • If both modes are selected the delay will be adjusted if it comes before the resync parameter, for example if the program is launched with delay 1000 resync 1.001 it will be internally adjusted to 1001ms, instead if it's launched with resync 1.001 delay 1000 it will not
  • add_zero
    • Some media players (especially Plex) don't correctly sync *.sup subtitles. They seem to ignore any delay before the first 'display set'. This option adds a dummy 'display set' at time 0 so subsequent timestamps are correctly interpreted.
  • tonemap
    • Change the brightness of the subtitle applying the specified percentage factor to all the palette's luminance value, similar to https://github.com/quietvoid/subtitle_tonemap , the percentage must be specified as a decimal value with 1 as 100%, it can be bigger than 1 to increase brightness
  • cut_merge
    • allows to cut subtitle and optionally, if more sections are specified, to merge the cuts into a single subtitle file with the subsequent cuts shifted to have them begin at the end of the previous section. It is possible to personalize its functionality with some options
      • list: specifies the space-separated list of sections, format and timemode can be used to further configure the parsing of this list. The list must be contained inside double quotes
      • format: the format type of the list
        • secut: uses the same format as SECut. eg 1000-2000;3000-4000
        • vapoursynt or vs: uses the same format as vapoursynth split sintax, additionally if timemode is set as frame the range will be treated inclusively at the start and exclusively at the end. eg [1000:2001] [3000:4001]
        • avisynth or avs: uses the same format as avisynth trim sintax. Eg (1000,2000) (3000,4000)
        • remap: uses the same format as Vapoursynth-RemapFrames ReplaceFrameSimple. Eg [1000 2000] [3000 4000]
      • timemode: allow to specifies how to read the values of the sections
        • ms
        • frame: if selected a framerate MUST be specified, as a fraction like 24000/1001 or as a number like 23.976
        • timestamp: if selected the sections MUST be in the format hh:mm:ss.ms and can't be used with format vapoursynth
      • fixmode: allow to specify how to treat subtitles which are not fully contained in a section
        • del or delete: delete the subtitle if not fully contained inside a section
        • cut: cut the subtitle so that it is fully contained in the section
    • if no further option is specified it will works like secut so like the following command line format secut timemode ms fixmode delete

Build instruction

g++.exe -Wall -fexceptions -O2 -Wall -Wextra  -c main.cpp -o main.o
g++.exe -o SupMover.exe main.o -s -static