
Demo project with Capybara framework

Primary LanguageRuby


This is demo project with Capybara framework(test engine) + allure framework(report) + cucumber (BDD).

How launch test

  1. Install RVM
  2. Install ruby via RVM:
    rvm install ruby 2.4.2
    rvm use --default ruby 2.4.2
  3. Install bundler gem:
    gem install bundler
  4. Install required gems:
    cd ~/capybara_demo/
    bundle install
  5. Download and launch standalone-chrome or standalone-firefox docker's image:
    sudo docker pull selenium/standalone-firefox
    sudo docker run -d -P selenium/standalone-firefox
  6. Set your URL to $host variable in env.rb.
  7. Install Allure commandline
  8. Launch shell script:
    cd ~/capybara_demo/
    sh start.sh

Useful links