
Ansible Role used for Hashicorp tools installation/update/uninstallation

MIT LicenseMIT

Hashicorp Tools - Ansible Role

Galaxy Quality Role version Role downloads GitHub Actions License

This Ansible Role will install/upgrade/uninstall Hashicorp tools. Ansible Role does not use deb or rpm packages but installs the binaries directly from https://releases.hashicorp.com to the system.


  • Since the binaries are distributed inside of a Zip file, the role will automatically install unzip if it's not already on the system.

  • In case you install vagrant, the role will automatically install fuse or libfuse2 (depending on the packiging tool you system is using)

  • Weekly tested on (but will run on older releases just fine):
    • CentOS 8
    • Debian 10
    • Fedora 33
    • Ubuntu 20

Role Variables

This is a copy from defaults/main.yml

# URL to hashicorp download page
hashicorp_url: https://releases.hashicorp.com

# Hashicorp tools and release versions.
# Supported state values are: present, absent
    # - name: boundary
    #   version: 0.1.0
    #   state: present
    # - name: consul
    #   version: 1.8.4
    #   state: present
    # - name: nomad
    #   version: 0.12.5
    #   state: present
    # - name: packer
    #   version: 1.6.4
    #   state: present
    # - name: terraform
    #   version: 0.13.4
    #   state: absent
    # - name: vagrant
    #   version: 2.2.10
    #   state: present
    # - name: vault
    #   version: 1.5.4
    #   state: absent
    # - name: waypoint
    #   version: 0.1.1
    #   state: present

# Installation directory
install_dir: /usr/local/bin/

Example Playbook

In this example the Ansible role will uninstall Hashicorp Boundary and install (or upgrade) the rest of the Hashicorp tools to specific release versions.

- name: Hashicorp tools
  hosts: all
        - name: boundary
          state: absent
        - name: consul
          version: 1.8.4
          state: present
        - name: nomad
          version: 0.12.5
          state: present
        - name: packer
          version: 1.6.4
          state: present
        - name: terraform
          version: 0.13.4
          state: absent
        - name: vagrant
          version: 2.2.10
          state: present
        - name: vault
          version: 1.5.4
          state: absent
        - name: waypoint
          version: 0.1.1
          state: present
      name: monolithprojects.hashicorp_tools


You are more than welcome to contribute ! :)



Author Information

Created in 2020 by Michal Muransky