1.  test `sign`
2.  test API `auth.authorize`
3.  test API `content.getFeed`:
    3.1. fix error with `content.tags`
    3.2. fix error with `contentId.refBlockNum`
4.  update lib in Commun
5.  test API `content.getProfile`
6.  modify contract `golos.publication` action `createmssg`:
    6.1. https://github.com/GolosChain/golos.contracts/blob/develop/golos.publication/golos.publication.abi
    6.2. refblocknum убрали, recId, и tokenProp теперь short
    6.3. test is successfull!!!
7.  test contract `golos.publication` action `updatemssg`
8.  test contract `golos.publication` action `deletemssg`

1. test action `upvote`
2. test action `downvote`
3. test action `unvote`
4. test action `reblog`

1. test contract `gls.publish`, action `createmssg`, create post comment

1. test contract `gls.ctrl`, action `regwitness`
2. test contract `gls.ctrl`, action `votewitness`
3. test contract `gls.ctrl`, action `unvotewitn`
4. test contract `gls.ctrl`, action `unregwitness`
5. test API `favorites.get`
6. test API `favorites.add`
7. test API `favorites.remove`

1. test func posting(image:)