Publish (S)FTP GitHub action

This action publishes your repository in a (S)FTP server.


Parameter Required Values Default value Notes
host Yes - Remote (S)FTP server as hostname or IP address
username Yes - Username to access to the (S)FTP server
password No - Password to access to the (S)FTP server
ssh_key No - SSH key used for the connection (KEYs with passphrase are not supported)
remote_folder No ./ Remote destination folder
local_folder No ./ Path of the local folder (relative to the GitHub repository) to be transferred to the (S)FTP server
port No 21 (S)FTP port
type No - ftp
- sftp
put_github_sha No - yes
- no
yes If yes, the action will create a file .github-put-sftp-action containing the GITHUB_SHA, which will be transferred to the remote_folder


Name Notes
exit-status This variable will be filled with the exit code of the (S)FTP command