
Flow2D Are free and open source game engine (framework), that allows you to create beautiful 2d games using lua.

Primary LanguageJava


Flow2D Are free and open source game engine (framework), that allows you to create beautiful 2d games using lua.

You can read documentation here.

Getting started

This code will draw rectange inside the window.

flow.start = function(args)
    -- Function that will be invoked on start

flow.draw = function()
    graphics.fillRect({25, 25, 50, 50})


Drawing images

Now, lets draw an image. for example, i'll take this one called 'table.png'.

local img
flow.start = function(args)
    -- Function that will be invoked on start
    img = image.read('table.png')

flow.draw = function()
    graphics.drawImage(img.getImage(), {50, 50, 100, 100})



Escape - 1
1 - 2
2 - 3
3 - 4
4 - 5
5 - 6
6 - 7
7 - 8
8 - 9
9 - 10
0 - 11
minus - 12
equals - 13
backspace - 14
tab - 15
q - 16
w - 17
e - 18
r - 19
t - 20
y - 21
u - 22
i - 23
o - 24
p - 25
a - 30
s - 31
d - 32
f - 33
g - 34
h - 35
j - 36
k - 37
l - 38
z - 44
x - 45
c - 46
v - 47
b - 48
n - 49
m - 50
space - 57
ctrl - 29
alt - 56
left arrow - 57419
right arrow - 57421
down arrow - 57424
up arrow - 57416
insert - 3666
F1 - 59
F2 - 60
F3 - 61
F4 - 62
F5 - 63
F6 - 64
F7 - 65
F8 - 67
F9 - 68
F10 - 69
F11 - 70