
A modernized version of Pokémon Red. None of the Gen 1 bugs, tons of new features, and expanded postgame. NOTE: The code here is still an UNFINISHED WIP, and is currently NOT PLAYABLE. Current stable release is 3.0.1 from 2018. (The newest copy you can actually play is found at: https://github.com/TheFakeMateo/rpp-backup)

Primary LanguageAssembly

NOTE: The code here is a work in progress, for the upcoming v4 release.

For info about the current releases, check out the other repo here.

Pokémon Red++ v4

Red++ serves as an updated and modernized version of Pokémon Red. It is considered the prequel to Pokémon Polished Crystal by Rangi. The version here is actually based on a heavily modified copy of Polished Crystal's engine, instead of Red Version's engine the way previous versions were.

  • For playable releases, check out the Patches folder.

  • For a list of features that applies to v4, check out FEATURES.md.

  • For help, questions, or to generally keep up with development, check out the Lunaverse Discord.

Setting up your own version

To set up the repository, see INSTALL.md. This way you can build the latest dev version for yourself, or use it as a starting point for your own hack. It is advisable to check the main Pokered repository as well for more info.

After setting up the repository, you'll want to download the current release of Polished Map by Rangi if you want to edit maps.