Virtex Design Challenge

Getting Started


  • Make sure that you are using Unreal 4.26.2 or above

Getting project

Create a Fork of this project with your github account. If you don't have one or you want to just clone the project it's also fine, just remember to put it on WeTransfer or your GDrive afterwards. After finishing it, please share it with Tim

The Problem

We have a simple VR project with a prototype level where we would like to add some features. On the "Design Test" level we want player to teleport from the player start location to a podium where they can press a button to load our website onto a screen.

The Goal

The goal of this test is not to create a complex set of mechanics for locamotion or physical VR interactions. We really want to see your way of thinking and approaching the problem. There is no good or bad way to do this - there are many solutions for this challenge.

In project you will find:

  • DesignTestMap - The map where you will implement the above gameplay
  • BP_Screen - The actor responsible for the screen in 3D space
  • ScreenWidget - The base class for the screen component
  • DefaultVRContent - The standard UE4 VR template content


Complete a solution for the problem outlined above in Blueprints, this does not have to be completed with a VR headset however the button press must be shown to work with a physical hand interaction (no "Press E To Trigger") which can be simulated in 2D


  • Organise assets and folders as you would normaly
  • If your code is self explanatory, comments are not required.

Useful links