Code for the paper in ACL2022: Effective Token Graph Modeling using a Novel Labeling Strategy for Structured Sentiment Analysis

Primary LanguagePython


Effective Token Graph Modeling using a Novel Labeling Strategy for Structured Sentiment Analysis

This repository contains the code of the official implementation for the paper: Effective Token Graph Modeling using a Novel Labeling Strategy for Structured Sentiment Analysis. The paper has been accepted to appear at ACL 2022.


  • python==3.7.10
  • torch==1.7.0
  • transformers==4.11.3
  • CUDA==11.2
  • GPU: GeForce RTX 3090


We provide processed data in ./data directory.

Data format:

        "id": "",
        "text": "",
        "pos_list": [],
        "lemma_list": [],
                    "text": "",
                    "type": "",
                    "char_span": [],
                    "tok_span": []
                    "subject": "",
                    "object": "",
                    "predicate": "",
                    "subj_char_span": [],
                    "subj_tok_span": [],
                    "obj_char_span": [],
                    "obj_tok_span": []

Word Embeddings

We use word embeddings openly available from the NLPL vector repository, for English (model id 40 in the repo.), Basque (id 32), Catalan (id 34), and Norwegian (id 58). To run our model, you should put the download .txt file of the word vector into the ./pretrained_word_emb directory.


Set configuration in src/config.py:

common = {
    "exp_name": "norec", # ca, eu, ds, mpqa
    "rel2id": "rel2id.json",
    "ent2id": "ent2id.json",
    "device_num": 0, # cuda idx
train_config = {
        "hyper_parameters": {
        "batch_size": 8,
        "epochs": 60,
        "seed": seed, # 1234, 5678, 9101112, 13141516, 17181920
        "log_interval": 10,
        "max_seq_len": 100,
        "sliding_len": 20,
        "scheduler": "CAWR", # Step
model_config = {
    "bert_path": "bert-base-multilingual-cased", 
    "data_home": "../data",
    "token2idx": "token2idx.json",
    "pos2idx": "pos2idx.json",
    "lemma2idx": "lemma2idx.json",
    "char_dict": "char_dict",
    "pretrained_word_embedding_path": "../pretrained_word_emb/Norwegian_100d.txt", # eu: Basque_100d.txt ca: Catalan_100d.txt Norwegian_100d.txt
    "hyper_parameters": {
         "lr": 3e-5,
         "enc_hidden_size": 1000,
         "dec_hidden_size": 800,
         "emb_dropout": 0.4,
         "rnn_dropout": 0.3,
         "word_embedding_dim": 100,
         "char_embedding_dim": 8

Start training

cd src
python train.py


Set configuration in src/config.py:

eval_config = {
    "model_state_dict_dir": "./default_log_dir/norec_1234/model_state_dict_16_20_0.4059.pt", 
    "test_data": "test.json", 
    "hyper_parameters": {
        "batch_size": 6,
        "force_split": False,
        "max_seq_len": 140,
        "sliding_len": 20

Start evaluation

cd src
python eval.py


    title = "Effective Token Graph Modeling using a Novel Labeling Strategy for Structured Sentiment Analysis",
    author = "Shi, Wenxuan  and
      Li, Fei  and
      Li, Jingye  and
      Fei, Hao  and
      Ji, Donghong",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = may,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Dublin, Ireland",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2022.acl-long.291",
    pages = "4232--4241",