
:couple: A webpack and react solutionly tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NPM version npm GitHub stars GitHub forks

yumu webpack and react solution


  • Generate a webpack based boilerplate.
  • Run a local server for web developer, support proxy and HMR.
  • Easy to use and customize third-party UI components.
  • Support customized webpack.config.js.
  • Support buildvars to automatically output bundles with different varible combinations.


  • Install yumu
$ npm i yumu -g


  • Generate a boilerplate.
$ yumu init
$ yumu init -t (you will choose your template like single page application or multiple page application)
  • Install the dependencies.
$ cd xx(the project path)
$ yumu install
  • Start a local dev server.
$ yumu server

It will listen to the port 8080

  • Build project.
$ yumu build