
Stenography software for PPM images

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Stegnography system using PPM

Program Outline

I have created a steganography software using C to be used with “ppm” format files using a 2D array. This C program consists of three files in order to better maintain the program.

The first file is the header file named “ppm.h” which consists of headers and function declarations. The second file, called “ppmfun.c”, holds the implementations to the declared functions within the header file. The third file, called “steg.c” holds the ‘main’ functionality of the program.

Within the program, I have used the linked list data structure to be used with the 2D array to store each character in the array within the red fields of the modified image.


gcc -o steg steg.c ppmfun.c

Usage instructions

NOTE: Do not include the quotation marks. (i.e. "")

To encode: ./steg e "file1.ppm"

steg prompts for a message and shows file1.ppm with the message encoded within it. Here, the output is redirected to modified.ppm.

To decode: ./steg d "file1.ppm" modified.ppm

steg compares file1.ppm with modified.ppm to show the hidden message.