
Test runner for Ferret

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Go Report Status Discord Chat Lab release Apache-2.0 License

lab is a test runner for Ferret scripts.

Read the introductory blog post about Lab here!



  • Parallel execution
  • Support of multiple types of remote runtime (local binaries or HTTP services)
  • Support of multiple types of script locations (file system, git, http)
  • An arbitrary amount of HTTP endpoints for serving static files



You can download the latest binaries from here.


curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MontFerret/lab/master/install.sh | sh


$ docker pull montferret/lab:latest

Quick start

The easiest way to use lab is to execute FQL scripts as is:

$ lab myscript.fql

You can also pass a path to a folder that contains .fql scripts:

$ lab myscripts/

Test suites

lab also allows you to define suite tests in YAML:

  text: |
    LET doc = DOCUMENT("https://github.com/", { driver: "cdp" })
    HOVER(doc, ".HeaderMenu-details")
    CLICK(doc, ".HeaderMenu a")
    WAIT_ELEMENT(doc, '.IconNav')
    FOR el IN ELEMENTS(doc, '.IconNav a')
        RETURN TRIM(el.innerText)
  text: RETURN T::NOT::EMPTY(@lab.data.query.result)
$ lab mysuite.yaml

In order to make testing more modular, you can refer to an existing script in suites:

  ref: ../myscript.fql
  text: RETURN T::NOT::EMPTY(@lab.data.query.result)

Files resolutions

lab supports multiple file locations:

  • file:
  • git+http:
  • git+https:

Static files serving

lab has an ability to server static files that can be used by your scripts.

	lab --cdn=./website tests/

Which can be access via @lab.cdn.DIR_NAME

  text: |
    LET page = DOCUMENT(@lab.cdn.website, { driver: "cdp" })
    RETURN page.innerHTML
  text: RETURN T::NOT::EMPTY(@lab.data.query.result)

You can define multiple cdn endpoints pointing to different directories:

	lab  --cdn=./app_1 --cdn=./app_2 tests/

Additionally, you can give them custom names:

	lab --cdn=./app_1@sales --cdn=./app_2@marketing tests/

Remote Ferret runtime

By default, lab uses built-in version of Ferret to execute scripts, but it also can use remote versions as well.

  • http, https
  • bin

HTTP(S) runtime

HTTP based runtime is used by sending POST requests that contain an object with the following fields:

  • query
  • params

External binary runtime

Custom binary runtime is used by using Ferret CLI's interface.


   lab - run FQL test scripts

   lab [global options] [files...]

   Ferret test runner

   version  Show Lab version
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --files value, -f value            location of FQL script files to run [$LAB_FILES]
   --timeout value, -t value          test timeout in seconds (default: 30) [$LAB_TIMEOUT]
   --cdp value                        Chrome DevTools Protocol address (default: "") [$LAB_CDP]
   --reporter value                   reporter (console, simple) (default: "console") [$LAB_REPORTER]
   --runtime value, -r value          url to remote Ferret runtime (http, https or bin) [$LAB_RUNTIME]
   --runtime-param value, --rp value  params for remote Ferret runtime (--runtime-param=headers:{"KeyId": "abcd"} --runtime-param=path:"/ferret" }) [$LAB_RUNTIME_PARAM]
   --concurrency value, -c value      number of multiple tests to run at a time (default: 1) [$LAB_CONCURRENCY]
   --times value                      number of times to run each test (default: 1) [$LAB_TIMES]
   --attempts value, -a value         number of times to re-run failed tests (default: 1) [$LAB_ATTEMPTS]
   --times-interval value             interval between test cycles in seconds (default: 0) [$LAB_TIMES_INTERVAL]
   --cdn value                        file or directory to serve via HTTP (./dir as default or ./dir@name with alias) [$LAB_CDN]
   --param value, -p value            query parameter (--param=foo:"bar", --param=id:1) [$LAB_PARAM]
   --wait value, -w value             tests and waits on the availability of remote resources (--wait --wait postgres://locahost:5432/mydb) [$LAB_WAIT]
   --wait-timeout value, --wt value   wait timeout in seconds (default: 5) [$LAB_WAIT_TIMEOUT]
   --wait-attempts value              wait attempts (default: 5) [$LAB_WAIT_ATTEMPTS]
   --help, -h                         show help (default: false)