
These are scripts I've made, refine and continue to deploy in HolyC. HolyC was created by Terry A. Davis.

Primary LanguageC


HolyC Scripts Collection

Welcome to my repository of HolyC scripts. This collection represents a variety of utilities, tools, and examples written in HolyC, the programming language used by TempleOS. These scripts are a mixture of projects I've completed over time and continue to contribute to as I explore new ideas and refine existing ones while I master HolyC.


HolyC is a unique language, designed and implemented by Terry A. Davis for use in TempleOS. Its syntax and functionality offer a distinct development experience, tailored for the TempleOS environment. This repository serves as a personal archive of my explorations and projects within this fascinating ecosystem.


The repository includes a range of scripts, from simple utilities to more complex programs, each demonstrating different aspects of HolyC and its capabilities within TempleOS. While some scripts may have specific purposes or solve particular problems, others are experimental or for learning and demonstration purposes.


Each script in this collection is designed to run in the TempleOS environment. To use a script, clone or download this repository to your TempleOS machine, navigate to the script's directory, and execute it according to the TempleOS documentation.


  • A heartfelt thanks to Terry A. Davis for creating TempleOS and the HolyC programming language. His vision and dedication have inspired countless developers to explore computing in new and meaningful ways.
  • Gratitude to the TempleOS community for their ongoing support, contributions, and for keeping the spirit of TempleOS alive.


RIP Terry A. Davis.