
how2meetgirls with a little of this and a little of that, using programming in your favor for actionable tools

Primary LanguageShell



No this is not some LOVEINT repo. After I'm done finishing this, there will be tables at Olive Garden reserved.


NSA/CIA employees look into their ex girlfriends, love interests and upcoming first dates.

update your .vimrc

Now you don't need to start from scratch. If you're girlfriend is coming over (or perhaps a first date!) go the extra mile to impress them with your .vimrc. In fact I'd even use tmux. Navigate NERDTree like you've never done before. This is my .vimrc I made, this was for when my last date came over:

" Hello, and welcome to my Vim setup! Tonight, let's make you seeing my screen an unforgettable experience!

" General Settings
set number                " Show line numbers
set relativenumber        " Show relative line numbers
set tabstop=4             " Set tab size to 4 spaces
set softtabstop=4         " Set soft tabstop to 4 spaces
set expandtab             " Use spaces instead of tabs
set shiftwidth=4          " Set indentation width to 4 spaces
set autoindent            " Auto-indent new lines
set cursorline            " Highlight current line
set hlsearch              " Highlight search results
set incsearch             " Incremental search
set ignorecase            " Case insensitive search
set smartcase             " Case sensitive if there is a capital letter in the search

" Theme and Appearance
syntax enable             " Enable syntax highlighting
colorscheme desert        " Set color scheme to desert (feel free to choose another)
set background=dark       " Use dark background

" Key mappings
nnoremap <C-n> :NERDTreeToggle<CR> " Toggle NERDTree with Ctrl + n

" Plugin Settings
" Add your favorite plugins and configurations here

" Customizations
" Add any additional customizations or preferences here

" Happy coding, nice2meetu!

what happens if a programming snafu happens

It happens to all of us, just open a terminal and run killall and go back to importing those dependencies without a requirements.txt file, you're a bad boy!

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 5 27 47 AM

some reminders

Don't use the Wife n Life Calculator that Patrick Steadman and I made. The seven question sequence is probably going to get you a low score, it's 2024. Don't put much merit into it.

she brought her bro friend over who knows nothing about programming

Some topics you could discuss:

  • Robinhood
  • Plaid
  • Stripe
  • Braintree (possibly)
  • Acorns
  • Make the joke "How does NerdWallet make money?"
  • Say "Haha, yeah I knew a guy over at AppDynamics once as well." (This is already under the conditional this person knows someone from AppDynamics.)
  • Saying #2 "Yeah, I vaguely remember a company called Percolate. I think everyone there was attractive."
  • Saying #3 "Totally into Dashboards, I think at work we use Heap or maybe something internal. I forget."
  • Saying #4 "You ever run --emerge sync on Gentoo?"
  • Act like Google forwarding their domains to Squarespace is a huge deal.