
com.ngc.seaside.gradle.plugins contains the core Seaside plugins used by many Gradle builds. All core plugins are contained in a single JAR and versioned together to make them easier to use.

All plugins can be obtained by putting the following dependency in the buildscript of your build.gradle:

buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
        classpath "com.ngc.seaside:gradle.plugins:$seasidePluginsVersion"

Notes on building this project

  • To build, you can run: ./gradlew build
  • If you want to see which Gradle tasks are available for you to run, execute: ./gradlew tasks [--all]
  • You can always skip a part of the build process by passing the -x option
    • For example, if you don't want to wait for all of the functional tests to pass: ./gradlew build -xfunctionalTest. If you're using Windows, use gradlew.bat instead of ./gradlew


seaside-gradle-plugins wiki