
A simple virtual gaming tabletop webapp in 3D, using Google Drive as the backing store.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

gTove - a virtual gaming tabletop

'Twas Brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe.

This project is a lightweight web application to simulate a virtual tabletop. Multiple maps and standee-style miniatures can be placed on the tabletop, and everyone connected to the same tabletop can see them and move the miniatures around. To make the hosting costs as low as possible and to allow other people to fork the project, Google Drive is used to store shared resources such as the images for miniatures and maps, and data for scenarios.

User Version

If you just want to use gTove, it can be accessed here:


Browser Support

At the moment, I'm doing my development in Chrome, with occasional tests in Firefox. Other browsers may or may not work at this stage.

Google+ Community

I've created a G+ Community for gTove where people can discuss the application, including discussing bugs before raising then on Github and making feature suggestions.



Note: You don't have to build gTove yourself to use it - simply go to https://illuminantgames.com/gtove and start using it!

If you want to contribute to gTove's development though, you may want to check out the repository and start working with it locally. gTove is a react typescript application, built with create-react-app and then manually converted to typescript (because I didn't use --scripts-version=react-scripts-ts when I first ran create-react-app).

  • You need Node.js installed. I'm currently running version 8.11.1
  • Check out the repository using your preferred git tool.
  • (Optional) Install yarn: npm install -g yarn
  • Change into the top level gTove directory: cd gTove
  • Run yarn install (or npm install if you use npm) to install dependencies. I use yarn, and therefore the repo has a yarn.lock and not a package.lock.
  • After dependencies are installed, you can start a development server by running yarn start or npm start.


At this stage, the app is quite minimally styled. Many UI elements are just default HTML buttons, laid out in columns. Once the major functionality is implemented, I'll try get someone who's good at graphic design to come up with a style for the app and add the styling. For now, the emphasis is on functionality.

That said, there are certain user interactions which I'm very happy with. I like the unified mouse/gesture interface with the virtual tabletop, and the way users align the grid when editing a map is most of the way to something I reckon is intuitive and easy to use.


One thing that I'm unhappy about with the current implementation is the level of access the app currently needs to request from the user. In order to work, the app currently has to ask for read access to every file in the user's Drive ("drive.readonly"), even though it only needs to read the files that it itself creates.

There is a much more appropriate level of access that apps can request ("drive.file"), which is defined as "Per-file access to files created or opened by the app. File authorization is granted on a per-user basis and is revoked when the user deauthorizes the app." Since the app creates all the files it needs to access, this seems like a perfect fit, and is in fact what the app uses to allow GMs to create and modify files in Drive.

Unfortunately, the "granted on a per-user basis" piece is the killer... if the GM uploads a map image using the app (and therefore the app created it), and then invites a player to the tabletop to view the map (by getting the app to share the file), the player's Drive permissions say they can't see the file, because the player hasn't given the app permission to open this new file that was just shared with them. Getting the player to manually grant permission to the app for every map image, monster image and JSON data file is not an acceptable user experience.



  • Maps and miniatures can be loaded into the app, and are saved to Google Drive.
  • Add map(s) and minis to tabletop.
  • Try to make mouse and gesture controls consistent - re-use the same gestures to control the camera, maps and minis as much as possible.
  • Camera can pan, zoom, rotate using mouse or touch gestures.
  • By starting the mouse gesture/touch gesture on a mini, mini can be moved, elevated, rotated.
  • By selecting a map (by clicking/tapping it), map can be moved, elevated, rotated.
  • Only re-render 3D scene if something changes (camera angle, mini position etc.) to reduce power/battery consumption.
  • The GM has a current tabletop, with a unique URL. Players going to the URL join the tabletop.
  • Peer-to-peer sharing of actions between everyone on the same tabletop.
  • Show Google icon for the logged in user, and for other users connected to the tabletop.
  • Selecting a different tabletop when one is already selected pops out a new window/tab.
  • Clear the tabletop.
  • Add a GM-private JSON file per tabletop for saving GM-only data like hidden minis and maps.
  • Hide/reveal minis and maps from/to players.
  • Remove minis and maps individually from the tabletop.
  • Align/scale a grid on a map. Required for fog of war.
  • Fog of war on maps with a grid defined.
  • Add menu option to scale a mini up or down.
  • Tap the Fog of War drag handle to bring up a menu (cover/uncover all, finish).
  • Dragging the Fog of War rect to edge of screen auto-pans the camera.
  • Support offline usage (changes are not saved, lost when the tab closes)
  • Add tabletop-level option: Snap to Grid.
    • minis: position snaps to grid, rotation snaps to 45 degrees, size snaps to 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 or whole numbers, elevation snaps to whole numbers.
    • maps: position snaps to match up grids with existing maps, elevation snaps to whole numbers, rotation snaps to 90 degrees.
  • Add "none" as an option for grid colour. Maps with no grid have no Fog of War. Snap to Grid still works, using the default grid.
  • Make Save button for map editor disabled if grid != none and either pushpin not pinned.
  • Ensure map grid alignment pushpins remain on screen when they're not pinned.
  • Make fog of war rect snap to grid.
  • Toggle fog of war cover on a map grid square by tapping/clicking (when in fog of war mode.)
  • Option for GM to view tabletop as a player - opaque Fog of War, hide hidden maps and minis.
  • When repositioning a map, keep selected until user taps or selects something else.
  • Refresh the grid on an already-displayed map if you edit the map grid layout.
  • Add buttons to bump grid-aligning pushpin one pixel up/down/left/right.
  • Adapt grid-aligning pushpins to portrait orientation.
  • Prevent minis from being selected when in Fog of War mode.
  • Fix: connecting to a tabletop while people are moving things around can cause the loading client to crash.
  • Rename Drive top-level Drive folder to gTove. Handle the top-level folder having a different name (allows users to rename the top level folder with impunity... could already move it elsewhere in their Drive.)
  • Move fogWidth, fogHeight into appProperties, set when you edit the grid.
  • Convert project to typescript.
  • Load drive file metadata dynamically, rather than all up-front. Add "refresh" button to file browser.
  • Fix mini scaling with middle-click-drag on desktop and pinch-zoom on touch devices.
  • Prevent drag-down-to-reload behaviour in mobile Chrome.
  • Make Fog of War drag rectangle/calculations respect map rotation.
  • Add to map menu: Cover with Fog of War, Uncover Fog of War
  • Add to map menu: Focus Map, to make the camera orbit-point lie on the map's plane, and fade maps and minis at higher elevations.
  • Add to global menu: Refocus camera, focus higher, focus lower.
  • Position added maps/minis so they don't overlap existing maps/minis.
  • Add ability to save and load scenarios.
  • Reposition pop-up menus if created close to an edge so they don't extend off-screen.
  • Implement delete in file browser.
  • Remember where you last browsed to for each file browser (maps, minis etc.) and re-open the browser in the same folder.
  • Add option to tip over minis, to represent prone, dead or whatever.
  • Allow editing (renaming) and deleting folders.
  • Add button to save current tabletop over existing scenario (edit scenario).
  • Fix fog of war cover/uncover alignment issue when maps are exact grids.
  • Show drag handle in map reposition mode. Add menu option to leave mode.
  • Warn that loading a scenario will replace the current tabletop contents.
  • Remove maps or minis with trashed or deleted metadata from the tabletop.
  • Top-down view for minis.
  • When editing minis, user can move/zoom the circle selecting cropped top-down mini image.
  • Warn if GM tries to set Fog of War on maps with no grid.
  • Show editable name labels on minis.
  • Duplicate a mini on the tabletop N times (default 1). New minis are named with numbers based off the original such as "Goblin 2", "Goblin 3" etc. (and the original mini is also given a number if it doesn't have one already).
  • Reset offline status when you log out of offline mode and in again using Drive.
  • Manually added minis should also be given unique names.
  • Adjust the Google console profile to allow https access to gTove, and change the default URL to use it.
  • Add icon image to manifest.json.
  • Make client keep comparing the saved Drive data with received actions until it can verify it's in sync.
  • Prevent a non-GM user from selecting a map/mini which is already being updated by someone else.
  • Show a highlight on minis/maps currently selected by someone else.
  • Allow GM clients to share actions with one another in a secure fashion.
  • Make Google Drive API calls automatically retry with exponential backoff if they get back a 403 error due to exceeding Drive's rate limits. Doesn't apply to mass-uploading though.
  • Fix annoying jump when snapping large minis to grid.
  • Preview a 3D mini in the mini editor, and allow the user to define the standee outline/crop area.
  • If user uploads a single map/mini image, automatically launch the editor on it afterward the upload completes.
  • Change file browser to have a drop-down menu per item, rather than a mode.
  • Open the tabletop menu by default. Make menu more mobile-friendly.
  • Support pasting images from the clipboard directly into the maps and minis file browser.
  • Improve the handling of multiple files uploading at once, including a "cancel" button.
  • Add ability to toggle minis between always rendering as flat counters and rendering as standees when not top-down.
  • When in Player View mode, minis/maps added to the tabletop are automatically revealed.
  • Add a slider to control the size of mini labels (not shared or persisted, so each user can set as preferred).
  • Give the GM options with what to do when tabletop images fail to load - continue without the image (minis/maps will show black), remove anything that uses the image from the tabletop, or use a different image.
  • Make larger flat or top down minis slightly thinner than smaller ones, so when overlapping the smaller mini remains visible.
  • Fix text position for larger flat or top down minis.
  • Make the system able to create new top-level folders in existing gTove root folders. Add Bundles top-level folder.
  • Show a default grid if no map has been added to the tabletop.


  • Bug: removing a map (the only map?) doesn't get saved to tabletop file.
  • Make newly added maps revealed by default if they have a grid (=> covered by Fog of War).
  • Make the menu open by default only on empty tabletops (intended behaviour, but not working because the tabletop loads after gTove decides whether to open the menu or not)
  • File browser - if user picks a new image, after editing and saving automatically act as if they had picked it again?
  • Mini editor - backface configuration: greyscale+mirrored, colour+mirrored, greyscale, colour, another region of this image, another image.
  • Templates for spells etc.
  • Bundles - a way to predefine bundle data for gTove objects (minis, maps, scenarios, templates) for external data like a downloaded module PDF or a zip archive of images, and to share the bundle data with others.
  • Browser compatibility. Need to decide what browsers to support... Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge?
  • Google verification.
  • It's possible to batch GAPI requests: https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/javascript/features/batch
  • When the GM disconnects, ensure the last changes to the tabletop are saved - either show a warning, or delay the unload until a final flush has completed, or something. Could also show a busy spinner in general when changes are pending to be saved.
  • Highlight on minis at scale < 1 is barely visible.
  • When offline, creating a tabletop never progresses from progress bar to cloud.
  • Menu item to copy URL to clipboard, for users using the app fullscreen.
  • Was seeing something to make me think old PeerNodes were still active when the page reloads, but can't reproduce now.
  • httprelay.io has added a SeqId GET parameter to mcast, allowing multiple tabs in the same browser to reliably get messages. Need to wait for it to be deployed to production.
  • Have labels on minis which are GM-only?
  • Disambiguate tap - if several minis/maps are potential targets of the tap, first show a menu of their names before showing their menu.
  • Optional grid overlay for maps with a grid defined.
  • Multi-select in file browser
  • Option for infinite grid on the plane of the current map.
  • Refresh of folder contents should also detect files that have been removed.
  • If GM logs in multiple times, all of their clients upload the tabletop data to Drive, potentially causing problems. Should nominate one GM client as the "primary".
  • Improve switching between online and offline - ideally, could log in and fetch stuff, then switch to working offline, then sync changes when you get online again, as long as you don't close the browser tab/window.
  • Improve highlight shader - I'd prefer something that does a coloured outline.
  • Additional visibility mode for minis - "Hidden by Fog of War". Perhaps default to this instead of hidden?
  • Remember the name of other tabletops you've connected to, and show them in the Tabletops UI somehow? Easy enough to do if they have the gTove files on Drive, but for non-GMs it might have to be something browser-specific like local storage.
  • Adjust image opacity when aligning/scaling grid, in case pushpins or grid don't contrast enough with map.
  • Define unstable_handleError() method on a top-level component to catch errors?
  • Interpolate mini movement actions from the network?
  • Attach minis - when you drag one mini onto the base of another, have a circle pop out the side with "attach" or "mount" or similar on it. If you continue the drag and drop the mini in that circle, the two become joined - the second one is given a small elevation and rotated 90 degrees relative to the first, and they share the one base and move as one. Need to be able to split joined minis as well.
  • Shader for minis handles transparency wrong. Should just LERP the whole image onto 1,1,1,alpha.
  • Have a textbox of letters/icons/emojis configurable in Tabletop, which become available to toggle on/off on minis to represent statuses or whatever.
  • Recover from network failure e.g. sleep? Also doesn't seem to handle it well if the same client logs out and in as different users a few times.
  • Make nodes tell each other the number of peers they have, so any with less than others can invite connections?
  • Allow minis with things other than circles for top-down? Square plus both orientations of hexes (or maybe auto-align with map if hex-based).
  • Overlays - images which overlay the map to cover up secret doors and suchlike, or which can be added to reveal those secret areas (to protect against players who look at the underlying map image).
  • Ruler. Most basic is simply a straight line between the click and drag points. More fancy uses Bresenham's to highlight the squares it passes over, and reports the distance. Requires the map (or game settings?) to nominate how distances are calculated in this game/map ("every 2nd diagonal costs 2", "count squares", "Pythagoras"). Maps could include an option of setting the scale.
  • Default "tutorial" scenario which uses some of the advanced features. Requires the ability to put text down on the map to explain the features - could just be templates with labels.
  • Split app into seperately loadable sections, to speed up initial load? https://github.com/jamiebuilds/react-loadable
  • Fog of War is a monochrome bitmap with one pixel per tile, but takes up 4 bytes per pixel. Investigate ways to store it as a monochrome image, e.g. https://gist.github.com/vukicevic/8112515 (not sure if the browser doesn't just convert it to 32 bpp internally when it loads it anyway...)


Monster Images

Would be nice if there was a way to buy bundles off content creators (such as A Monster For Every Season from Rich Berlew). Perhaps support the sharing of user-generated packs for such commercial products. If someone set up all the data for one, they could share that file (it's already on drive) and someone else could buy the same pack and use it directly.

Would require the app to be able to handle zip files of images, and extract images from PDFs.



https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/ PDF.js will let you render the PDF to a canvas. Then you can do something like: var img = new Image(); img.src = pdfCanvas.toDataURL();



  • Toggle fog of war between "hide everything" and "hide terrain only" - the latter useful for overland maps where you might want to place stick-pins and notes in unexplored territory
  • Some way to hide the navigation bar on mobile devices? Android can "Install to home screen" with React manifest.json
  • Draw a grid in WebGL using fragment shader: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24772598/drawing-a-grid-in-a-webgl-fragment-shader

View mobile chrome console on PC via USB:

adb forward tcp:9222 localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote