
Front-end side using angular

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Project Name



Platform that allows users to practice ease-level javascript katas and send them as a challenge to friends.

User Stories

404: As an anon/user I want to see a 404 page if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault

500: As an anon/user I want to see a 500 page if I try to reach a page and I can't so that I know there is a server error

Signup: As an anon I can sign up in the platform so that I can do a kata

Login: As a anon I can login to the platform so that I can do a kata

Logout: As a user I can logout from the platform so that no one else can use my account

Get Random Kata: As a user I want to get a random kata so that I can do it

Type Solution: As a user I want to type my solution to the kata so that I can submit it

Check Kata: As a user I want to send my solution so that I can check if it has passed all tests

Submit Kata: As a user I want to submit my kata so that I know if it was right

See Profile: As a user I want to see my profile so that I see the katas I 've already done


Look for Friends: As a user I would like to look for my friends in the platform

Add Friend: As a user I would like to add my friends to my friends' list

Send Kata to Friend: As a user I would like to send a kata challenge to a friend

Receive Kata from Friend: As a user I would like to receive a kata challenge from a friend

Accet Kata Challenge: As a user I would like to accept a kata challenge

See Friends' Profile: As a user I would like to see my friends' profiles and the katas they have done

Comment on Katas: As a user I would like to comment on my own and on my friends' katas

See Katas Comments: As a user I would like to see my friends comments on the katas

Edit Comments: As a user I would like to see edit my comments

Remove Comments: As a user I would like to remove comments on my katas



  • / - Homepage
  • /auth/signup - Signup form
  • /auth/login - Login form
  • /profile - Details of user, list of katas and option to get kata
  • /kata/name - Description of kata and editor to solve kata


  • /profile/friend/:id - Friend's profile
  • etc.


  • Auth Service

    • login(username, password)
    • signup(username, password)
    • logout()
    • me()
    • getUser()
  • Kata Service

    • getRandom()
    • getOne(name)
    • checkKata(id, solution)
  • User Service

    • getMyKatas()
    • submitKata(id, solution)


  • 404 Page
  • 500 Page
  • Sign in Page
  • Log in Page
  • Home Page
  • Kata Detail Page
  • Profile Page


  • List Component
    • Input: katas
  • Kata Card component
    • I: kata


  • /: init auth
  • /login: anon
  • /signup: anon
  • /profile: user
  • /kataId: user



User model

username: { type: string / required / unique },
email: { type: string / required / unique },
password: { type: string / required },
katas: [ { kata: { type: ObjectId / ref: Kata }, solution: { type: string } } ]

Kata model

name: { type: string / required },
functionName: { type: string / required },
parameters: { type: [ string ] / required },
description: { type: string / required },
tests: [ { params: [ mixed ], result: { type: mixed / required } } ]

API Endpoints/Backend Routes

  • GET /auth/me

    • user only (404)
  • POST /auth/signup

    • anon only (401)
    • body (username, password)
  • POST /auth/login

    • anon only (401)
    • body (username, password)
  • POST /auth/logout

    • user only (404)
  • GET /kata/random

    • user only (404)
  • GET /kata/:name

    • user only (404)
    • params (name)
  • POST /kata/:id/check

    • user only (404)
    • params (id)
    • body (solution)
  • GET /user/me/katas

    • user only (404)
  • POST /user/me/katas

    • user only (404)
    • body (id, solution)