Today you'll be building a webpage based on a mockup. This webpage should include a custom modal that sits "above" the other content on the page and all should be done without the use of tools such as CSS Flexbox or CSS Grid. You should leverage CSS Architecture and a CSS preprocessor of your choice that will make it easy for new developers to figure out what's going on with your code. Your webpage (and especially your modal) should be accessible and inclusive to a range of end-users.
The goal of this challenge is to test what you've learned so far and to encourage organization of your code base in order to make it easier for new developers to contribute to your projects. What guidelines do you want to have in place?
- From the provided mockups, create a webpage that is accessible and a codebase that is organized and primed for contributions from new team members.
With your partner, discuss what you've just worked through:
- How did that go?
- Did you find leveraging CSS Architecture and Preprocessors to be useful?
- How do you think you would approach organizing a codebase with a mix of CSS coming in from internal, external, inline, and potentially third-party libraries with no clear organization set?