Roblox-TS-Template 🚀

This Roblox TypeScript (TS) template integrates popular frameworks and utilities such as Flamework, ProfileService, Cmdr, Roact, Reflex, and more.

Inspired by ReturnedTrue's Template.

Instructions 🛠️

To set up and start using this template, use these three commands in a terminal located in the same directory as this repository:

  1. npm i - Installs all dependencies.
  2. npm run build - Builds the project.
  3. npm run watch - Initiates the watch mode for continuous development.

Startup Rojo and you should be able to sync to Studio easily!

Resources 📚

Features 🎮

  • Player data system using ProfileService.
  • State is managed and synced from the Server to Client using Reflex.
  • Simple Currency labels UI created using Roact and hooked into Reflex.
  • Cmdr terminal access via F2 key.
  • Utilize the GiveCurrency command from Cmdr to adjust a player's currency amount.

Tips 💡

  • Take advantage of rbxts-transform-debug to enhance your debugging experience! Use $print(string) for a neatly displayed output.


[src/shared/module.ts:8] 10 > 20 = false
[src/shared/module.ts:9] x = 42
[src/shared/module.ts:2] `Hello from ${name}!` = Hello from Vorlias!
[src/shared/module.ts:10] Hello from Vorlias!