Vue 3 Studies

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Introduction & Resources


  • Declarative / setting a few things and little the computer do the hard work
  • Legible
  • Easy to maintain
  • Powerful
  • A collection of the best of the best / other frameworks
  • Elegant
  • Gives me what I want when I need it, and gets out of my way
  • A way to be really productive

Comparison with other frameworks

  • A virtual DOM
  • Reactive components that offer the View layer only.Like Angular, not React.
  • Props and a centralized state management stor similar to React
  • Conditional rendering, and services, similar to Angular
  • Inspired by Polymer for simplicity and performance. Vue offers a similar development style as HTML, styles and JavaScript are composed in tandem
  • Scoped styles - similar to styled components in React

New Features in Vue 3

  • conditional API

Vue Instance

  • use id because you only want one instance

Vanilla JS vs Vue

Vanilla JS

const items = ['thingie', 'another thingie', 'something else', 'bla blah']

function listOfStuff() {
  const full_list = => `<li> ${el} </li>`)

  const contain = document.querySelector('#container')
  contain.innerHTML = `<ul> ${full_list} </ul>`



  • it's very declarative
  • we are holding the state and telling the DOM what to do with it.
  • can write semantic html
  • reactive - responding to changes in state
const App = {
  data() {
    return {
      items: ['thingie', 'another thingie', 'something else', 'bla blah'],
<div id="#app">
    <li v-for"item in items">
      {{ item }}

Huge thanks to Sarah Drasner & the Frontend Masters Team.