
Applet to visualize sounds

Primary LanguageProcessing

Music Visualizer

Customizable Music Visualizer Applet. Has visualizers based on amplitude and range. Customization of colors, scale, visualizer, song, album art.

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How to Use:


  1. Run the processing applet
  2. Make selection of visualizer / customization (see selection inforation)
  3. Press play
  4. Watch visualizer
  5. Press back to go back to main GUI screen

Selection Information

Pick visualizer:
-at least 1 visualizer must be selected
-selection reset each time
-as many visualizers as desired can be combined (see warnings for issues with this)
-amplitude pulse: pulsing dot based of song amplitude. Recomended scale: (300 - 1000) 
-amplitude line: draws a scolling line based of amplitude. Recomended scale: (100 - 2000)
-Range bar: shows range with recangles scaled on activity in range. Recomended scale: (4 - 30)
-Range line: shows range with a line scaled on activity in range. Recomended scale: (4 - 20)

Pick song:

-1 song must be selected


Pick color mode:
-not all visualizer support every color mode
-progression: changes all color in visualizer over time (supported by all)
-rainbow scaled: scales color based of degree of activity (supported by all)
-rainbow simple: creates rainbow based on x coordinate (not supported by amplitude pulse
Pick color:
-input R,G,B separated by spaces. Ex: 255 255 0
-only affects visualizer set to simple color, or in visualizer not supported by selected mode
Pick scale:
-diffrent for each visualizer. See recomended scale for each visualizer.
-reset each time

Adding Songs:

1: add sound file to data folder. For supported formats: ( WAV, AIF/AIFF, MP3 )

2: add album art to data folder. PNG or JPG. This is optional.

3: add file to Songs.txt. All fields can be blank, except for "sound_file" set to the name of file -look at bottom entery for example

Note: program will not crash if added song is not found. Error message is output to console


1: playing multiple visualizers will trigger issue with back, where audio will continue to play 2: using more than 1 visualizer can cause diffrent start times an cause audio to be out of sync (typically occurs when playing 3 or more)