
Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

GST Tacotron2 KOREAN


0. Code reference

  • NVIDIA , jinhan의 코드를 참고하여 만들었습니다.

1. Dataset

  • Korean Speech Emotion Dataset
  • Single Female Voice Actor recorded six diffrent emotions(neutral, happy, sad, angry, disgust, fearful), each with 3,000 sentences. Total 30 hours

2. Text


3. Audio

  • sampling rate: 16000
  • filter length: 1024
  • hop length: 256
  • win length: 1024
  • n_mel: 80
  • mel_fmin: 0
  • mel_fmax: 8000

4. file list

  • path | text
dataset/hap/wav/acriil_hap_00003104.wav|경암은 푸른 수풀 속에 거뭇거뭇 보이는 높은 기와집들을 손가락질로 가리키며 자랑스런 얼굴로 무어라고 중얼거렸다.
dataset/neu/wav/acriil_neu_00000097.wav|모든 것을 공개할 수 없으나 앞으로 국민화합과 화해조치들을 강구해 나갈 것이다.
dataset/fea/wav/acriil_fea_00002629.wav|우리집 개와 고양이는 사이가 좋다.


torch = 1.6.0
librosa = 0.8.0

How to use


  1. Download Dataset

  2. Make path like (dataset/fea/wav/acriil_fea_00002629.wav)

  3. Make raw file to wav file

python raw2wav.py
  1. Preprecess audio
python preprocess_audio.py -f [filelist name]
  1. GST Tacotron train
python -m multiproc train.py -m Tacotron2 -o ./output/ -lr 1e-3 --epochs 1501 -bs 16 --weight-decay 1e-6 --grad-clip-thresh 1.0 --cudnn-enabled --log-file nvlog.json --anneal-steps 500 1000 1500 --anneal-factor 0.1
  1. Wave Glow train
python -m multiproc train.py -m WaveGlow -o ./output/ -lr 1e-4 --epochs 1501 -bs 4 --segment-length  8000 --weight-decay 0 --grad-clip-thresh 3.4028234663852886e+38 --cudnn-enabled --cudnn-benchmark --log-file nvlog.json


  1. Write the sentence you want in the text.txt file.

  2. Generate audio

python inference.py --tacotron2 <tacotron checkpoint path> --max-decoder-steps 2000 --waveglow <waveglow checkpoing path> -o <output path> --include-warmup -i text.txt --fp16 --ref_mel <reference audio path>

python inference.py --tacotron2 output/checkpoint_Tacotron2_300.pt --max-decoder-steps 2000 --waveglow output/checkpoint_WaveGlow_300.pt -o output/ --include-warmup -i text.txt --fp16 --ref_mel dataset/sur/wav/acriil_sur_00000808.wav
  1. Check output path



Sample Audio

You can check sample Audio file from sample_audio folder in this project