
Contains examples and documentation on how to setup your remote development environment from your Windows host to a Jetson device

Primary LanguagePython

High Throuput Object detector for the Nvidia Jetson device family

This is the code used in this blog post to demonstrate different ways of improving the performance of a simple Object Detection program.

Clone the example repo

cd jetson-detectors

To build and run the CPU accelerated container

sudo docker build . -f ./docker/Dockerfile.cpu -t object-detection-cpu
sudo docker run --rm --runtime nvidia --privileged -ti -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v "$PWD":/src -p 32001:22 object-detection-cpu

To build and run the GPU accelerated container

sudo docker build . -f ./docker/Dockerfile.gpu -t object-detection-gpu
sudo docker run --rm --runtime nvidia --privileged -ti -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v "$PWD":/src -p 32001:22 object-detection-gpu

Run from the root folder of the repo