
Fast, modular reference implementation of Instance Segmentation and Object Detection algorithms in PyTorch.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN in PyTorch 1.0

This repo is forked from https://github.com/facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmark. See the original README file for details. The purpose of this repo is to add/modify the original code to train and test on Cityscapes and BDD100K datasets.

Th original Mask-RCNN paper can be found here.


To run detection on a dataset, modify and run run_detection.sh To run multi-gpu training on a dataset, modify and run multi_gpu_train.sh To run test and get evaluationi metrics, checkout tools/test_net.py and maskrcnn_becnmark/eval_cityscapes.py


The evaluation metrics are following original MaskRCNN paper and the original repo.

  1. Average Precision (AP)
  2. AP50: the AP with IOU = 0.5
  3. AP75: the AP with IOU = 0.75
  4. APS: the AP in small scale objects
  5. APM: the AP in median scale objects
  6. APL: the AP in large scale objects

Test COCO pretrained model on Cityscapes and BDD100K Dataset

Bounding Box

Backbone Train data Test data EvalType AP AP50 AP75 APS APM APL
ResNet50-FCN COCO Cityscapes val Bbox 20.5 34.4 21.1 8.3 22.5 35.1
ResNet101-FCN COCO Cityscapes val Bbox 21.5 35.3 21.9 8.9 (7.7?) 24.4 36.3
ResNet101-FCN COCO + fine Cityscapes val Bbox 33.8 57.2 35.4 10.4 36.4 53.0
ResNet101-FCN COCO BDD100K val Bbox 31.2 57.5 28.7 14.1 35.4 54.7
ResNet101-FCN COCO + BDD100K BDD100K val Bbox 31.2 57.5 29.1 14.0 35.9 54.2


Backbone Train data Test data EvalType AP AP50 AP75 APS APM APL
ResNet50-FCN COCO Cityscapes val Mask 17.0 30.6 16.3 4.4 16.7 32.6
ResNet101-FCN COCO Cityscapes val Mask 17.9 31.7 17.2 3.8 (3.6?) 18.8 34.1
ResNet101-FCN COCO + fine Cityscapes val Mask 29.7 52.5 28.3 5.3 27.7 54.2

Train on CityScapes/BDD100K Dataset

Specifically we initialize the model to only classify the following classes: ["person", "car", "rider", "bicycle", "motorcycle", "bus", "truck", "", "traffic light", "traffic sign"].

In tools/ we copied scripts from Detectron to convert a COCO-trained model to be ready for fine-tune on Cityscapes. Run following command to conver a pickled model from COCO(81 classes) to Cityscapes (8+1 classes) or BDD100K(10+1 classes).

python convert_coco_model_to_cityscapes.py --coco_model PATH_TO_PICKLE --output PATH_TO_CONVERTED_PICKLE

TODO: When converting the model, try to keep the traffic light and traffic sign classes so that the top layer output is 11 classes