
fetch books with open source

Primary LanguageDart

A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/, and example unit test in test/.


dart support test

  1. test Json pattern
  2. test Js pattern use dll in cli app
  3. test jsoup pattern
  4. test xpath pattern unsupported
  5. test regex pattern some incompatible

code gen

  1. software flow

    1. prase bookSourceOld
    2. parse bookSource
    3. vlidateBookSources
    4. task [search,catalogue,detail] 2. get${task}params 2. build${task}url 2. bookSource.${task} 2. switch${task}Agent 2. get${task}Result 2. parse${task}Result 2. switch${task}ResultConverter 2. build${task}Result 2. validate${task}Result 2. return${task}Result(s)
  2. software structure

    1. BookSource
    2. AgentFactory,Agent
    3. DataFactory,String
    4. DataValidator
    5. Book
  3. support fun

  4. mock data

  5. real data


  1. flutter

Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style license.