
小米帐号开放平台 Android SDK

Primary LanguageJava


1) 预备步骤

去 dev.xiaomi.com 中创建应用。步骤如下:登陆小米开放平台网页 -> ”管理控制台” -> ”手机及平板应用” -> ”创建应用” -> 填入应用名和包名 -> ”创建” -> 记下看到的AppID -> 页面下方找”帐号接入服务“ -> ”详情“ -> ”立即启用“ -> 填入“授权回调地址(URL)”(这里填入的url即是下文提到的redirectUrl) -> “启用“ -> 开启需要的开放接口。

2) 在应用的AndroidManifest.xml里添加以下配置:

    <uses-permission android:name="com.xiaomi.permission.AUTH_SERVICE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
    <activity android:name="com.xiaomi.account.openauth.AuthorizeActivity" />

3) 授权并获取AccessToken/code

  • sdk会自行判断:在miui上,启动系统帐号进行授权;非miui上,使用webview登录然后授权
  • setCustomizedAuthorizeActivityClass()可以自定义非miui上的登录界面,设置actionbar、进度条等,可参照demo中的CustomizedAuthorizedActivity。
    XiaomiOAuthFuture<XiaomiOAuthResults> future = new XiaomiOAuthorize()
         //开发者预先申请好的 AppID
         // 开发者预先申请时填好的 redirectUrl
        // int数组,可以用XiaomiOAuthConstants.SCOPE_*等常量
         // 设置自定义的非miui上登录界面(默认是AuthorizeActivity)
         // 如果是要获得Code的方式,则把startGetAccessToken改成startGetOAuthCode即可。其他相同

fastOAuth - 在miui上以对话框方式授权 (可选)


  • miui版本支持: 8.2以上。 8.2以下/非miui上 future.getResult()时抛出XMAuthericationException
  • 需已经登录系统账号,否则future.getResult()时抛出XMAuthericationException
    XiaomiOAuthFuture<XiaomiOAuthResults> future = new XiaomiOAuthorize()
        .fastOAuth(MainActivity.this, XiaomiOAuthorize.TYPE_TOKEN);

获取授权结果AccessToken/code (在后台线程调用)

    // 接下来这一段必须在后台线程调用
    try {
        XiaomiOAuthResults result = future.getResult();

        if (results.hasError()) {
            int errorCode = results.getErrorCode();
            String errorMessage = results.getErrorMessage();
        } else {
            String accessToken = results.getAccessToken();
            String macKey = results.getMacKey();
            String macAlgorithm = results.getMacAlgorithm();
    } catch (IOException e1) {
        // error
    } catch (OperationCanceledException e1) {
        // 用户取消
    } catch (XMAuthericationException e1) {
        // error

4) 使用AccessToken获取用户信息


    // 这一句可以在UI线程调用
    XiaomiOAuthFuture<String> future = new XiaomiOAuthorize().callOpenApi(context,
    // 接下来这一段必须在后台线程调用
    try {
        String result = future.getResult();
    } catch (IOException e1) {
        // error
    } catch (OperationCanceledException e1) {
        // error
    } catch (XMAuthericationException e1) {
        // error



  • 当用户已经授权过,不会再让用户确认
  • 用户此时无法切换帐号
  • 弹出授权页面会相对变慢
    XiaomiOAuthFuture<XiaomiOAuthResults> future = new XiaomiOAuthorize()
        // .setOtherParams...
        // .startGetAccessToken(activity);


简单来说,Scope代表了一个AccessToken的权限。当使用一个AccessToken去访问OpenApi时,只有该AccessToken的Scope和该OpenApi需要的权限对得上的时候,服务器才会返回正确的结果,否则会报错。 代码中只有一个地方要用到Scope,那就是去拿AccessToken的时候。

代码中Scope的值应该是多少?请参照 http://dev.xiaomi.com/docs/passport/way/ 中“scope设置说明”一节,然后根据APP需要访问到的API去决定用哪些scope。比如,我将用AccessToken去活取用户的个人资料和好友信息,那么我的scope就应该是1和3。也可以用SDK中预定义好的常量XiaomiOAuthConstants.SCOPE_***。当然前提是,APP已经在预备步骤中,在dev.xiaomi.com上为该应用开启了相应的接口权限。




Quick Start

1. Preliminary steps

To create an account for your app on http://dev.xiaomi.com

  • Go to the website and log in
  • Click on “管理控制台/Administrative Console”
  • Click on “手机及平板应用/Mobile and Tablets Apps”
  • Click on “创建应用/Create an app”
  • Fill in the app name and package name
  • Click on “创建/Create”
  • Write down the AppID shows up
  • Look for “账号接入服务/Account Access Services”
  • Click on “Details”
  • Click on “Enable now”
  • Fill in “授权回调地址/Authorized Redirect URL”
  • Click on “启用/Enable”
  • Enable needed Open API

2. Integrating the following code in “AndroidManifest.xml”

    <uses-permission android:name="com.xiaomi.permission.AUTH_SERVICE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
    <activity android:name="com.xiaomi.account.openauth.AuthorizeActivity" />

3. Authorizing and getting AccessToken/code

  • sdk is able to detect: if it’s on miui, taking system account to authorize; if it’s on other OEMs, taking webview to log in and then authorize
  • setCustomizedAuthorizeActivityClass(): it’s able to customize login page UI on non-miui roms, like actionbar, loading bar etc., please refer to CustomizedAuthorizedActivity in the demo.
XiaomiOAuthFuture<XiaomiOAuthResults> future = new XiaomiOAuthorize()
         //The AppID you got from xiaomi.com
         // The redirectUrl you filled in in application
        // int array, you can use constant like XiaomiOAuthConstants.SCOPE_*
         // set login page for non-miui roms(AuthorizeActivity is default)
         // If you want Code instead of AccessToken,please replace startGetAccessToken with startGetOAuthCode

fastOAuth – authorize on pop-up window on miui

Effect: if sdk detect user has signed in with system account, the window will pop up

  • Support: miui v8.2+. On miui older than v8.2 and non-miui roms, future.getResult() will throw XMAuthericationException
  • System account/Mi account has to be logged in, otherwise future.getResult() will throw XMAuthericationException
XiaomiOAuthFuture<XiaomiOAuthResults> future = new XiaomiOAuthorize()
        .fastOAuth(MainActivity.this, XiaomiOAuthorize.TYPE_TOKEN);
  • Getting authorized AccessToken/Code (call on a background thread)
// Must call on the background thread
    try {
        XiaomiOAuthResults result = future.getResult();
        if (results.hasError()) {
            int errorCode = results.getErrorCode();
            String errorMessage = results.getErrorMessage();
        } else {
            String accessToken = results.getAccessToken();
            String macKey = results.getMacKey();
            String macAlgorithm = results.getMacAlgorithm();
    } catch (IOException e1) {
        // error
    } catch (OperationCanceledException e1) {
        // User cancel
    } catch (XMAuthericationException e1) {
        // error

4. Getting user info with AccessToken

Getting user card

// Could call on the UI thread
    XiaomiOAuthFuture<String> future = new XiaomiOAuthorize().callOpenApi(context,

//Must call on the background thread
    try {
        String result = future.getResult();
    } catch (IOException e1) {
        // error
    } catch (OperationCanceledException e1) {
        // error
    } catch (XMAuthericationException e1) {
        // error


1. SkipConfirm

  • When user has already authorized, will not ask again for authorization
  • It will be impossible for user to change an account
  • The process of popping up authorizing page will be slow
XiaomiOAuthFuture<XiaomiOAuthResults> future = new XiaomiOAuthorize()
        // .setOtherParams...
        // .startGetAccessToken(activity);

2. Scope

In simple terms, Scope is representing a permission of AccessToken. When using an ssAccessToken to access OpenApi, only if the Scope of the AccessToken is the permission that this OpenApi needed, the server will return a correct result, otherwise will produce an error. Scope will be used only once when getting the AccessToken.
For the value of Scope, please refer to https://dev.mi.com/docs/passport/en/scopes/ , and please choose the scope based on the API you needed. For example, if getting user’s personal data and friends’ list on Mi Talk, then value of scope would be 1 and 2. Another defined constant in SDK XiaomiOAuthConstants.SCOPE_*** works as well, as long as relevant permissions were enabled on dev.xiaomi.com in preliminary steps.