This is library template with ReactJS v18, storybook v7, Typescript, SCSS, Rollup.js.
Click Use this template
button to create new repository using this template
Then clone that repository locally
git clone "[github url using this template]"
You can change library information in package.json
"name": "[library name]",
"author": {
"name": "[your name]",
"email": "[your email]"
"version": "[library version]",
Install related packages.
- working directory :
- export your components, functions, etc. from
You can test your UI components with Storybook
yarn storybook
Build your library with Rollup.js.
yarn build
- Your library build file will generate on
npm login
yarn publish --access public
- Login with your npm account
- to create a new account ๐
- Publish your library
- When publishing for the first time, the access property must be set to public.
- The next publication should always be a higher version than the previous publication.