
Unofficial Swift client for the Replicate API

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Replicate Swift client

This is a Swift client for Replicate. It lets you run models from your Swift code, and do various other things on Replicate.


  • macOS 12+ or iOS 15+
  • Swift 5.7


Grab your API token from replicate.com/account and passing it to Client(token:):

import Foundation
import Replicate

let client = Client(token: <#token#>)

You can run a model and get its output:

let model = try await client.getModel("stability-ai/stable-diffusion")
if let latestVersion = model.latestVersion {
    let prompt = """
        a 19th century portrait of a wombat gentleman
    let prediction = try await client.createPrediction(version: latestVersion.id,
                                                       input: ["prompt": "\(prompt)"],
                                                       wait: true)
    // https://replicate.com/api/models/stability-ai/stable-diffusion/files/50fcac81-865d-499e-81ac-49de0cb79264/out-0.png

Some models, like tencentarc/gfpgan, receive images as inputs. To pass a file as an input, read the contents of the file into a Data object, and use the `uriEncoded(mimeType:) helper method to create a URI-encoded string.

let model = try await client.getModel("tencentarc/gfpgan")
if let latestVersion = model.latestVersion {
    let data = try! Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/image.jpg"))
    let mimeType = "image/jpeg"
    let prediction = try await client.createPrediction(version: latestVersion.id,
                                                       input: ["img": "\(data.uriEncoded(mimeType: mimeType))"])
    // https://replicate.com/api/models/tencentarc/gfpgan/files/85f53415-0dc7-4703-891f-1e6f912119ad/output.png

You can start a model and run it in the background:

let model = client.getModel("kvfrans/clipdraw")

let prompt = """
    Watercolor painting of an underwater submarine
var prediction = client.createPrediction(version: model.latestVersion!.id,
                                         input: ["prompt": "\(prompt)"])
// "starting"

try await prediction.wait(with: client)
// "succeeded"

You can cancel a running prediction:

let model = client.getModel("kvfrans/clipdraw")

let prompt = """
    Watercolor painting of an underwater submarine
var prediction = client.createPrediction(version: model.latestVersion!.id,
                                         input: ["prompt": "\(prompt)"])
// "starting"

try await prediction.cancel(with: client)
// "canceled"

You can list all the predictions you've run:

var predictions: [Prediction] = []
var cursor: Client.Pagination<Prediction>.Cursor?
let limit = 100

repeat {
    let page = try await client.getPredictions(cursor: cursor)
    predictions.append(contentsOf: page.results)
    cursor = page.next
} while predictions.count < limit && cursor != nil

Swift code generation for Replicate models

When working with models that are known ahead of time, you can use the provided generate-replicate-model tool to generate Swift code with fully-typed inputs and outputs.

For example, the following command generates code for the latest version of the stability-ai/stable-diffusion model (a9758cbfbd5f):

    generate-replicate-model stability-ai/stable-diffusion
import AnyCodable
import Foundation
import Replicate

/// A latent text-to-image diffusion model capable of generating photo-realistic images given any text input
public enum StableDiffusion: Predictable {

    /// The model ID.
    public static let modelID = "stability-ai/stable-diffusion"

    /// The model version ID.
    public static let versionID = "a9758cbfbd5f3c2094457d996681af52552901775aa2d6dd0b17fd15df959bef"

    /// The model input.
    public struct Input: Codable {
        /// Input prompt
        public var prompt: String?

        /// Width of output image. Maximum size is 1024x768 or 768x1024 because of memory limits
        public var width: AnyCodable?

        /// Height of output image. Maximum size is 1024x768 or 768x1024 because of memory limits
        public var height: AnyCodable?

        /// Inital image to generate variations of. Will be resized to the specified width and height
        public var initImage: URL?

        /// Black and white image to use as mask for inpainting over init_image. Black pixels are inpainted and white pixels are preserved. Experimental feature, tends to work better with prompt strength of 0.5-0.7
        public var mask: URL?

        /// Prompt strength when using init image. 1.0 corresponds to full destruction of information in init image
        public var promptStrength: Double?

        /// Number of images to output
        public var numOutputs: AnyCodable?

        /// Number of denoising steps
        public var numInferenceSteps: Int?

        /// Scale for classifier-free guidance
        public var guidanceScale: Double?

        /// Random seed. Leave blank to randomize the seed
        public var seed: Int?

        /// Creates a new Input.
        /// - Parameters:
        /// - prompt: Input prompt
        /// - width: Width of output image. Maximum size is 1024x768 or 768x1024 because of memory limits
        /// - height: Height of output image. Maximum size is 1024x768 or 768x1024 because of memory limits
        /// - initImage: Inital image to generate variations of. Will be resized to the specified width and height
        /// - mask: Black and white image to use as mask for inpainting over init_image. Black pixels are inpainted and white pixels are preserved. Experimental feature, tends to work better with prompt strength of 0.5-0.7
        /// - promptStrength: Prompt strength when using init image. 1.0 corresponds to full destruction of information in init image
        /// - numOutputs: Number of images to output
        /// - numInferenceSteps: Number of denoising steps
        /// - guidanceScale: Scale for classifier-free guidance
        /// - seed: Random seed. Leave blank to randomize the seed
        public init(
            prompt: String? = "",
            width: AnyCodable? = 512,
            height: AnyCodable? = 512,
            initImage: URL? = nil,
            mask: URL? = nil,
            promptStrength: Double? = 0.8,
            numOutputs: AnyCodable? = 1,
            numInferenceSteps: Int? = 50,
            guidanceScale: Double? = 7.5,
            seed: Int? = nil
        ) {
            self.prompt = prompt
            self.width = width
            self.height = height
            self.initImage = initImage
            self.mask = mask
            self.promptStrength = promptStrength
            self.numOutputs = numOutputs
            self.numInferenceSteps = numInferenceSteps
            self.guidanceScale = guidanceScale
            self.seed = seed

        private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
            case prompt = "prompt"
            case width = "width"
            case height = "height"
            case initImage = "init_image"
            case mask = "mask"
            case promptStrength = "prompt_strength"
            case numOutputs = "num_outputs"
            case numInferenceSteps = "num_inference_steps"
            case guidanceScale = "guidance_scale"
            case seed = "seed"

    /// The model output.
    public typealias Output = [URL]

By adding this code to your project, you can now create predictions for the model with fully type-checked Swift code:

// `StableDiffusion.Input` is a struct with several properties
// which can be set through the initializer or property accessors.
var input = StableDiffusion.Input(prompt: "multicolor hyperspace")
input.numOutputs = 4

let prediction = try await StableDiffusion.predict(with: client, input: input)

// `StableDiffusion.Output` is a typealias for `[URL]`
for url in prediction.output ?? [] {

Cog models hosted on Replicate describe their inputs and outputs using OpenAPI. The generate-replicate-model parses this description with the OpenAPIKit package and generates code using SwiftSyntax.


The Replicate library has only one external dependency on the AnyCodable package, so including Replicate in your project won't add any other packages as runtime dependencies.

Adding Replicate as a Dependency

To use the Replicate library in a Swift project, add it to the dependencies for your package and your target:

let package = Package(
    // name, platforms, products, etc.
    dependencies: [
        // other dependencies
        .package(url: "https://github.com/mattt/replicate-swift", from: "0.3.0"),
    targets: [
        .target(name: "<target>", dependencies: [
            // other dependencies
            .product(name: "Replicate", package: "replicate-swift"),
        // other targets