
A very simple graph database in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

A primitive sort of Graph Database in Rust, teaching myself Rust, graphs, and databases.

Phase 1

  • You can add nodes. (Done)
  • Nodes have a name (string) and data (various types). (Done)
  • You can link a node to another node once (no duplicate links). (Done)
  • Links carry no metadata other than existence. (Done)
  • Links are directional. (Done)
  • You can query whether a node exists. (Done)
  • You can query whether a link exists from node A to node B. (Done)
  • You can get a list of all nodes N where X -> N.
  • You can get a list of all nodes N where N -> X.

No effort is made to ensure that simultaneous queries and writes from multiple threads are consistent, ordered, etc. You won't get a crash (because all types involved are Send and Sync), but you may get incorrect/inconsistent results from queries if state is being mutated and queried simultaneously.

Phase 2

  • Links can carry metadata.
  • Multiple links can exist with the same origin node and destination node.
  • Links have their own identity.
  • Links have types.
  • Queries can return link information.

Phase ?

  • Queries can span multiple hops.
  • Query DSL.
  • Query parser.
  • User-defined schemas.
  • Schema validation and enforcement.
  • Referential integrity.
  • Transactions.
  • GraphQL API.