=== Customers Lead Gen by Omaar Osmaan ===

Contributors: moonomo
Donate link: https://xfrontend.com/
Requires at least: 4.1
Tested up to: 4.9.7
Stable tag: 0.0.1
License: GPLv3
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

A Simple Lead Gen Form Plugin.

== Description ==

A Simple Lead Gen Form Plugin.

= Shortcodes =

More details on shortcodes are given on FAQ section.

= Support =

Provided as is without any support. However feel free to reach the author for feature request, and report if you found any bugs. ;)

== Installation ==

Manual installation:

1. [Download plugin zip file](https://github.com/Moonomo/xf-customers/archive/master.zip)
1. From your Admin Dashboard, use the menu to select Plugins -> Add New
1. Click on 'Upload plugin', browse and locate the zip file
1. Click the `Install Now` button
1. Click the `Activate` button

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I use the shortcodes? =

Following are the options for shortcode:

= xf_customer_form =

`[xf_customer_form id="" class="" name-label="" name-max-length="" phone-label="" phone-max-length="" email-label="" email-max-length="" budget-label="" budget-max-length="" message-label="" message-max-length="" message-cols="" message-rows=""]`
* id: add a unique ID to the shortcode.
* class: add a class or multiple classes to the shortcode.
* name-label: Override label for Name field.
* name-max-length: Override max-length for Name field, default is 64.
* phone-label: Override label for Phone Number field.
* phone-max-length: Override max-length for Phone Number field, default is 64.
* email-label: Override label for Email Address field.
* email-max-length: Override max-length for Email Address field, default is 64.
* budget-label: Override label for Desired Budget field.
* budget-max-length: Override max-length for Desired Budget field, default is 64.
* message-label: Override label for Message textarea.
* message-max-length: Override max-length for Message textarea, default is 1500.
* message-cols: Override cols for Message textarea, default is 64.
* message-rows: Override rows for Message textarea, default is 8.

== Changelog ==

= v0.0.1 =
* Initial release.