

This project uses Github Actions to package the rest-interface.jar artifact and bash scripts (to provision a virtual machine) into a ZIP file. After each release, new ZIP files (one per supported operating system) are created and made available through Github release assets. Users interested in running a rest-interface instance in Vagrant, can use this ZIP to easily deploy the rest-interface application into their Virtual Machine.


Using the generated ZIP file within your existing Vagrant VM

Update your Vagrantfile as follows

  1. Set the HTTP_HOST_PORT variable with the port you want to use (reserve) in your Host machine to access the rest-interface.
  2. Set the HTTP_GUEST_PORT variable with the port that the rest-interface will use (reserve) in the virtual machine.
  3. Add the variable APP_HOME_DIR, this will indicate the directory where the rest-interface files (binaries and logs) will live within the VM.

At the end, your Vagrantfile (Centos 7) should look like this:


Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "centos/7" "forwarded_port",
    guest: HTTP_GUEST_PORT,
    host: HTTP_HOST_PORT,
    host_ip: ""

  config.vm.provision "shell", name:"Pull scripts for REST interface", privileged:true, inline: <<-SHELL
    # These libraries could be moved or removed by the user if they were already covered
    yum install -y wget
    yum install -y unzip
    unzip -d rest
    mv rest/rest-interface-*.jar rest/rest-interface.jar
    chmod +x -R rest/

  config.vm.provision "shell",
    inline: "/bin/bash /home/vagrant/rest/ $1",
    privileged: false,
    args: [

  config.vm.provision "shell",
    inline: "/bin/bash /home/vagrant/rest/ $1 $2 $3 $4",
    privileged: false,
    run: "always",
    args: [

Running the demos

We have Vagrantfiles for Centos 7 and Ubuntu, you can use these files to launch a Virtual Machine containing the rest-interface application listening by default in the port 8095.

Centos 7 demo VM

To start a Centos 7 Virtual Machine using Vagrant + Virtual Box:

  1. Open a command line and change directory to the demo/centos7 directory within this project.
  2. execute vagrant up command to launch a virtual machine. By default, this Virtual machine will use the port 8095 in your computer, if that port is not available you can use a different one by changing the value of HTTP_HOST_PORT in the Vagrantfile.
  3. Wait for the VM to be ready, the fist time you launch the VM it will take some time, between 5-10 minutes, subsequent usages (vagrant up) of the Virtual Machine should be considerably faster (about 1 minute or less).
  4. When the VM is ready you will see the message: rest-interface is starting at, it takes about 20 seconds to become ready, please wait...
  5. You can then open in your web browser and see the documentation page, where you can see the avaiable endpoints and some examples of how to use them.
  6. To stop the Virtual Machine, from a command line in the demo/centos7 directory, execute: vagrant halt.

Ubuntu demo VM

To start a Ubuntu Virtual Machine using Vagrant + Virtual Box:

  1. Open a command line and change directory to the demo/ubuntu directory within this project.
  2. Please continue from step 2 of the Centos 7 demo VM, the process is the same from there.