
An app which allows users to deposit and withdraw their coins. This could be a simple move module on Aptos blockchain.

Primary LanguageMove

AppInfo resource

AppInfo resource will be located at app module account.

Here, I save admin info.

  struct AppInfo has key {
    admin_addr: address,
    is_paused: u8,
  • App will be initialized by the contract account. (This structure can be modified)
  • App info has two fields - admin_addr, is_paused
  • admin_addr stores the address of admin of platform and is_paused represents the status of app.

VaultInfo resource

VaultInfo resource will store the deposited coins.

  struct VaultInfo<phantom CoinType> has key {
    coin: Coin<CoinType>,
  • coin represents what user deposited


  • initialize_app

Initialize the app only one time by the contract account. And create AppInfo resource account here/.

  • deposit

Deposit coins to user's VaultInfo resource.

  • withdraw

Withdraw coins from user's VaultInfo resource to User's wallet

  • pause

Admin can pause the site to stop withdraw and deposit. Here, I admin set is_paused variable in app_info as 1.

  • unpause

Admin can unpause the site to resume withdraw and deposit. Here, I admin set is_paused variable in app_info as 0.