Sending SMS with Moozisms php class

first you need to get a api_key and secret on Moozisms


To send a file with the moozisms php file

  • include the "Moozisms.php" file
require_once "Moozisms.php";
  • create a new Moozisms object with the api key and the api secret
$smsmanager = new Moozisms("api_key", "api_secret");
  • you can use the sendSMS function of the Moozisms class to send the sms
  • >Message type can get 2 values 0 for normal text and 1 for unicode or others type as arabic text
$result = $smsmanager->sendSMS("sender name or phone number", "recipient phone number ", "SMS content","Message Type(optionnal)");

Success Response

["report" : "delivred", "ref" :"xxxxxxxxx"]

Fail response

["report":"fail","errorCode":1020,"message":"Internal Error"]
["report":"fail","errorCode":1012,"message":"Message not sent."]
["report":"fail","errorCode":1077,"message":"Network Not supported"]
["report":"fail","errorCode":1090,"message":"Internal Error"]
["report":"fail","errorCode":1010,"message":"Insufficient SMS"]
["report":"fail","errorCode":1001,"message":"Invalid Access key"]
["report":"fail","errorCode":1050,"message":"Invalid phoneNumber"]
["report":"fail","errorCode":1051,"message":"Invalid sender Id"]