
This tool, akin to SharpHound, collects data from Active Directory environments, including WebDAV, Print Spooler, IP addresses, antivirus/EDR, and LDAP signing status, with plans for sessions, SMB signing, Kerberoast, ASREPRoast, Pre2K, and SCCM. It uses multi-threading for efficient data collection and supports output loading into BloodHound/Neo4j

Primary LanguageC#


This software is designed to collect data from Active Directory environments, similar to SharpHound. It provides various command-line options to gather information like:

  • WebDAV
  • Print Spooler
  • IP addresses for every host
  • Antivirus \ EDR installed on the machine
  • LDAP signing status
  • Pre2k
  • Sessions

Coming soon: SMB Signing, Kerberoast, ASREPRoast, SCCM.

The tool uses multi-threading for efficient data collection across domains, making it useful for security assessments and AD environment auditing.

After collecting the data, the output file can be loaded into BloodHound/Neo4j using MDLoader.py

Bloodhound Screenshot


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                               By Mor David

Usage: [options]
  -h, --help              Show this help message and exit.
  -d, --domain [name]     Specify the domain name.
  -f, --file [file]       Specify the input file name.
  -o, --output [file]     Specify the output file name.
  -t, --threads [number]  Set the number of threads.
  -s, --sessions          Enable Sessions check.
  -wd, --webdav           Enable WebDAV check.
  -sp, --spooler          Enable Print Spooler check.
  -ip, --ips              Enable IP address check.
  -av, --antivirus        Enable antivirus check.
  -p2, --pre2k            Enable Pre2K check.
  -ls, --ldapsigning      Enable LDAP signing check.


  • Some of the code in this program is derived from PingCastle.