
A fork of Ashley Yakeley's JVM-Bridge, available via `darcs get http://code.haskell.org/JVM-Bridge/`.

Primary LanguageHaskell


A fork of Ashley Yakeley's JVM-Bridge, available via darcs get http://code.haskell.org/JVM-Bridge/.

License is GNU LGPL 2.1. It consists of four pieces:

  • javavm: Haskell code with no use of FFI or dependency on the JNI. It's basic types plus some bytecode assembly.

  • javavm-interface/Native/: thin-ish layer over the JNI and some other native stuff in C/C++. This makes no use of Haskell.

  • javavm-interface/Haskell/: representation of the JNI in Haskell.

  • javavm-typed/: representation of the JVM in Haskell, basically a better typed layer over javavm-interface. This code does not build. Currently, it does a great deal of type-level computation auto-generating Java class type names from the Java libraries. It ought to be completely overhauled, but serves as a detailed design.

Status: 2013-02-06

The last of these, javavm-typed is not building at the moment (under GHC 7.6.1, Mac OS X x86_64). The first three are building, but have not been extensively tested.