
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Game-State-Integration types for typescript

Types for CS:GO Game State Integration

Install by: npm install csgo-gsi-types --save-dev


// Type for unknown/general state
interface GameState {
  provider: Provider
  auth: Auth
  player?: Player
  allplayers?: AllPlayers
  round?: Round
  phase_countdowns?: Phase
  grenades?: Grenades
  previously?: Previously
  added?: AddedPlaying
  bomb?: Bomb
  map?: Map

// Type to use when user is spectating 
interface GameStateSpectating {
  provider: Provider
  map: Map
  player: Player
  allplayers: AllPlayers
  phase_countdowns: Phase
  previously: Previously
  bomb: Bomb
  grenades?: Grenades
  round?: Round
  auth: Auth

// Type to use when user is playing
interface GameStatePlaying {
  provider: Provider
  map: Map
  round: Round
  player: PlayerPlaying
  previously?: PreviouslyPlaying
  added?: AddedPlaying
  auth: Auth

// Type in menus
interface GameStateMenu {
  provider: Provider
  player: PlayerMenu
  auth: Auth

How to use:

import { GameState } from 'csgo-gsi-types'

const gameState: GameState


declare module 'csgo-gsi-types' {
  export import Provider = __GSICSGO.Provider
  export import Map = __GSICSGO.Map
  export import Auth = __GSICSGO.Auth
  export import Player = __GSICSGO.Player
  export import PlayerState = __GSICSGO.PlayerState
  export import PlayerStats = __GSICSGO.PlayerStats
  export import Grenades = __GSICSGO.Grenades
  export import Grenade = __GSICSGO.Grenade
  export import AllPlayers = __GSICSGO.AllPlayers
  export import PlayerList = __GSICSGO.PlayerList
  export import PhaseCountDown = __GSICSGO.Phase
  export import Bomb = __GSICSGO.Bomb
  export import Round = __GSICSGO.Round
  export import Weapons = __GSICSGO.Weapons
  export import Weapon = __GSICSGO.Weapon

  export import weaponTypes = __GSICSGO.weaponTypes
  export import grenadeTypes = __GSICSGO.grenadeTypes

  export import TeamType = __GSICSGO.TeamType
  export import RoundWinningType = __GSICSGO.RoundWinningType
  export import BombState = __GSICSGO.BombState
  export import PhaseExt = __GSICSGO.PhaseExt
  export import PhaseMap = __GSICSGO.PhaseMap

  export import GameStateSpectating = __GSICSGO.GameStateSpectating
  export import GameStatePlaying = __GSICSGO.GameStatePlaying
  export import GameStateMenu = __GSICSGO.GameStateMenu
  export import GameState = __GSICSGO.GameState