
AddSubscription is broken by WhereEqualTo

christopher-r-brech opened this issue · 7 comments


When feeding a query with .WhereEqualTo("key", value) to MoralisLiveQueryController.AddSubscription, there seems to be a breakdown somewhere between the SDK and the Moralis server. The subscription fails and errors are returned.


In our JavaScript version of our code, we use .equalTo in our subscription. While I am not completely confident this has been doing what I expected, I do know that the subscription is still successful.

Being able to only receive updates when specific entries in a Class are updated allows us to maintain only a single subscription per user.


var query = MoralisInterface.GetClient().Query<MyMoralisClass>().WhereEqualTo("roomId", roomId);
MoralisLiveQueryController.AddSubscription("MyMoralisClass", query, callbacks);



  1. (preferable) The subscription is successful and we get updates based on the query.
  2. A warning stating that the WhereEqualTo is not compatible with AddSubscription and was ignored.


OnGeneralMessageEvent reports "Received message $error"
OnErrorEvent returns:

em.code 1
em.error Invalid type: string (expected object)

And the Moralis Dashboard Logs show:

2022-03-02T17:26:48.413Z - Connect message error %s

Miscellaneous Info

  • Using just MoralisInterface.GetClient().Query<MyMoralisClass>() works, but is not ideal.
  • All of our regular queries using .WhereEqualTo work as expected.
  • This issue is in reference to a Windows build as we use JavaScript-based code for our WebGL builds. I will update this issue if I see the same problem when using MoralisInterface with UNITY_WEBGL defined.

I will need to research this ...

My initial test succeeded with a WhereEqualTo condition. I created the query and then created, updated an deleted records. I used Callbacks set to debug the results and saw the expected messages.

I will try this some more, however are you using MoralisObject straight as you indicated above?

Thank you.

I'm not sure what you mean by "straight as [I] indicated above", but here's more of our actual code. It all works until I put the WhereEqualTo("roomId", roomId) on there.

We are using SDK version 1.0.5 and our server version is 0.0.349

namespace MoralisObjectClass
    public class Battle : MoralisObject
        public PlayerBattleData owner;
        public PlayerBattleData opponent;
        public BattleStepResult[] result;
        public string roomId;
private async void SubscribeToRoom(string roomId)
    var callbacks = new MoralisLiveQueryCallbacks<MoralisObjectClass.Battle>();
    callbacks.OnConnectedEvent    += (() =>          Debug.Log("Connection Established for upcoming Battle Subscription."));
    callbacks.OnSubscribedEvent   += ((requestId) => Debug.Log($"Subscribed to Battles."));
    callbacks.OnUnsubscribedEvent += ((requestId) => Debug.Log($"Unsubscribed from Battles."));
    callbacks.OnErrorEvent  += ((ErrorMessage em) => Debug.LogError($"Moralis Live Query ERROR | code: {em.code}, msg: {em.error}, requestId: {em.requestId}."));
    callbacks.OnCreateEvent += ((item, requestId) => Debug.Log($"A new Battle was Created in room {item.roomId} between PID_{item.owner.playerId} and PID_{item.opponent.playerId}."));
    callbacks.OnUpdateEvent += ((item, requestId) => OnBattlesUpdated(item));
    callbacks.OnDeleteEvent += ((item, requestId) => Debug.Log($"A battle between PID_{item.owner.playerId} and PID_{item.opponent.playerId} was removed from room {item.roomId}."));
    callbacks.OnGeneralMessageEvent += ((text) =>    Debug.Log($"BattleManager Subscription Event: {text}"));

    var query = MoralisInterface.GetClient().Query<MoralisObjectClass.Battle>().WhereEqualTo("roomId", roomId);
    MoralisLiveQueryController.AddSubscription("Battle", query, callbacks);

private void OnBattlesUpdated(MoralisObjectClass.Battle battleUpdate)
    // do stuff with the battle update

I will look some more. Are you building to WebGL or something else?

Also at v1.0.5 your project is missing a few critical updates, though these probably would not impact LiveQueries.

This issue occurs in Windows standalone builds.

When we build in WebGL we do not depend on this repo yet.

I will pass the suggestion to update on to my team.

My team and I appreciate your taking the time to look into this issue.

Have not heard back from the user. Closing.

Hi there,
Any fix to WhereEqualTo ?