
Supporting cheatsheet for the talk given at VIM Barcelona 24th Feb 2016 https://vimeo.com/156750085

First things first

:help help

Moving around

:help cursor-motions

  • hjkl
  • 0 $ _
  • gg G
  • w e b
  • f t F T
  • :number numberG
  • {} ( avoid holding jk )

PRO TIP: ; to jump to next ocurrence

Inserting text

:help inserting

  • I i a O o A

Deleting, fixing small fuckups

  • x, xp ( AKA "the windows move", swaps to characters very quickly )
  • r ( replace one chaacter )

Ever typed widht? try fhxp from the beginning of the line

Line operations

dd J


  • v
  • V

Text objects

:help text-objects

count + operator + motion

aw iw ap ap i([{t


  • c - change
  • d - delete ( when you delete, you copy! )
  • y - yank ( copy )

PROTIP: paste over selected text


The power of .

Macros ( complex repeats )

  • set @q ( fix macro )
  • use :normal @q to apply macro line by line


/ n N ? .* ( poor man's fuzzy search )

  • search word under cursor

CONFIG TIP: smartcase

Jump jump

:help jumps

  • <c-[>
  • gf
  • g;

Substitute power

:s/foo/bar :s/foo/bar/g :%s/foo/bar/g

:%s/somematch/&Lol :%s/backreferences!/\1,\2

Use custom separators ( useful for URLs )


CONFIG TIP: use smartcase BOOK: Mastering regular expressions


  • s
  • v
  • c
  • o
  • hjkl

CONFIG TIP: remap hjkl

Command mode PRO tips

  • " ( " / )
  • navigate without cursors
  • open command-line window ( edit commands in normal mode OMG )
  • for keystrokes ( useful for macros, you'll see later )


  • ( complete by word )
  • ( complete file path, relative to current directory )
  • ( complete a line )
  • Use to go up and down