
React Native module to scan for nearby device using Bluetooth Low Energy for iOS and Android

Primary LanguageJava

Contact Tracer for React Native (iOS and Android)

React Native module to scan for nearby device using Bluetooth Low Energy for iOS and Android


npm install react-native-contact-tracer --save

Declare Bluetooth UUID for your service

The unique Bluetooth service UUID is required and it also has to be in the following format:


Replace XXXX with your any preferred ID.

On Android, add the following line to res/value/strings.xml

<string name="contact_tracer_bluetooth_uuid">0000XXXX-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb</string>

On iOS, Add contact_tracer_bluetooth_uuid key in Info.plist with the preffered UUID as value.


To run the example

Example is already embedded in this repo. To run example, simply do the following:

cd example
npm install

for Android, run the following command.

npx react-native run-android

for iOS, you need to install Pod first by.

cd ios
pod install
cd ..
npx react-native run-ios