MordFIdel's Stars
Main firmware of the Huebner inverter project
Local Binary Pattern (LBP) implementation on single and multiple images
Canny-Edge-Contrastive-Enhanced-Detection (CECED) implementation on single and multiple images
Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) implementation on single and multiple images
Conversion of multiple rgb images in a folder to grayscale images saved in another folder created
This code helps to resize image Dataset in multiple folders at a time.
Haze Removal can remove slight to extreme cases of haze affecting an image. Its most typical use is for landscape photography where the haze causes low contrast and low saturation, but it can also be used to improve images taken during rainy and foggy conditions.
Extracting edges from multiple images
Well detailed Overleaf Latex version of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) Bachelor Thesis for International Undergraduate students who wish to format their final year thesis using overleaf latex template rather than the traditional methods which can be stressful and challenging.
Extraction of contours from images
This is the Overleaf Latex version of UESTC Master's Thesis for International postgraduate students who wish to format their postgraduate thesis using overleaf latex template rather than word template which is stressful and challenging
This is the Overleaf Latex version of UESTC Ph.D Thesis for International postgraduate students who wish to format their postgraduate thesis using overleaf latex template rather than word template which is stressful and challenging
Implementation of OpenCV and YOLO face detection. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system based on Deep Learning.
Neural style transfer is a neural algorithm of artistic style that manipulates digital images, or videos, in order to adopt the appearance or visual style of another image.
This helps to combine multiple csv extension files into a single csv file.
Neural network algorithm is a powerful tool for detecting fraud. This simple code is put together to help researchers explore more possibilities beyond their imagination.
Open Source computer Vision (OpenCV) is one of the most widely used tool for image processing and computer vision tasks. This technique is utilized in numerous applications such as video capturing, face detection, object recognition, etc.
These Mouse events include mouse clicks (like left-button down, left-button up, left-button double-click etc) and movements over an attached OpenCV window. Capturing mouse click events with Python and OpenCV is easy. we just need to create a callback function and call this callback function using cv2.setMouseCallback('image', click_event_callback_function) method
This contains course material and assignment solutions for the machine learning course from Stanford University - Coursera.
How to perform Bitwise Operations on Images. This includes bitwise AND, OR, NOT and XOR operations. This code will take you through on how to use Bitwise Operators (bitwise_and, bitwise_or, bitwise_xor, bitwise_not) in an image in OpenCV. Bitwise operations likebitwise_and(), bitwise_or(), bitwise_xor(), and bitwise_not() are useful when working with masks
Few examples on how to use Trackbar as the Color Palette and changing colored image to grayscale image using Trackbar switch. You can also get user input with OpenCV trackbars.
Image Thresholding is used for image segmentation.
How to smooth or blur images with OpenCV. Different morphological operations like 2D convolution ( image filtering ) and image blurring (image smoothing) using averaging, gaussian blurring, median blurring, bilateral filtering etc.
How to use Image Pyramids with Python and OpenCV.
Histograms organize data into groups by counting how much data is in each group.
Finding and drawing contours using OpenCV in Python.
Template Matching is a method for searching and finding the location of a template image in a larger image.
Understanding the concept of the Hough Transform and Hough Line Transform Theory.
Objection detection in motion using OpenCV Python