
Python script for scraping Trustpilot reviews using Beautiful Soup.

Primary LanguagePython

Python script for scraping Trustpilot reviews using Beautiful Soup

Note that Trustpilot’s HTML may be updated, in which case you should update the class names in your code.

Update the URL

Update the response variable URL with your company name:

response = requests.get(f"https://www.trustpilot.com/review/**COMPANY_NAME_HERE**?page={i}")

Page numbers

Update which Trustpilot pages are scraped using these variables:

from_page = 1

to_page = 50


Final dataframe

If you hit any Trustpilot request limits you can wait a while before running the next batch of pages.

Once you've scraped all the pages you need, you can run the last two lines to create the final dataframe df_reviews from the lists.

You can find more details here: https://theleftjoin.com/scraping-trustpilot-reviews-with-python/