
Advanced ML for Nutritional Analysis and Healthcare Management

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Initial Pitch



We aim to add friction to your unhealthy habits and bad purchases while making it simpler to make good lifestyle choices.

Eventually, we will expand into physical stores and will be able to prevent you from buying unfavorable products by blocking the transaction or even calling your doctor if you are at risk of RELAPSE from ALCOHOL.

Now, in terms of monetization, we will report your progress on abstaining from such food/alcohol/gambling products to insurance companies, which would help them decrease/increase your premiums accordingly.

Additionally, we may charge fees on purchases that are decremental to your long-term well-being.


The American Healthcare Crisis is not a healthcare based problem, it’s a market based problem. That requires a market based solution. Therefore it's an incentive problem, on how we can help people make safe and healthy choices with what they eat or drink.

There is no method of automatically blocking the purchase of goods that are detrimental to ones health.

Allows health insurance providers do not have enough information to fine-tune premium costs.

Clarity collects an individual’s food & drug related transactions.

Clarity parses and generates a patient profile that with which is the nutritional data structure from such transactions.

We must integrate and pipeline everything to and from the xrp ledger mainnet.

Solution Statements

Clarity is the first healthcare prevention software that allows for physicians and insurance providers to --see-- what their patients consume in real-time.

Clarity is the first healthcare prevention software that provides nutritional data on transactions made for an insurance provider’s entitlement population as well as a healthcare provider’s patient population. In doing so we increase diagnostic accuracy and we help reduce the rates of

Clarity is the first healthcare prevention software that allows physicians and insurance providers to see what their patients consume in real-time, thanks to the information from recent transactions and location history. This allows Clarity to score patients’ eating habits, which in turn will give health insurance providers more data for fine-tuning insurance premiums. Users will be encouraged to eat healthy to lower their insurance costs and will have an option to block transactions involving unhealthy products altogether.

Clarity compels good life choices by making healthy decisions easier while adding friction for purchases that are decremental to you in the long term (or blocking them entirely).

Elevator Pitch

Clarity is the first healthcare prevention software that changes social behavior for the better.

Healthcare prevention is bad business because a healthy person is a non-existent patient. The American Healthcare Crisis is not a healthcare-based problem, it’s a market-based problem. That requires a market-based solution. Clarity is the first healthcare prevention software that allows physicians and insurance providers to see what their patients consume in real-time, thanks to the information from recent transactions and location history. This allows Clarity to score patients’ eating habits, which in turn will give health insurance providers more data for fine-tuning insurance premiums. Users will be encouraged to eat healthy to lower their insurance costs and will have an option to block transactions involving unhealthy products altogether.


we want to partner with retailers, specifically gas stations and liquor stores.

The core of our service is providing transactional metadata to our clients and retailers.

In the meanwhile, we could begin in a digital realm as a browser extension that either removes all unhealthy products from digital marketplaces (i.e, amazon; would act like an ad blocker, but for unhealthy food rather than ads) or tracks and reports what food items you bought.

Team Members Morgan Bergen morgan@ku.edu Max Patiiuk max.patiiuk@ku.edu Braden Lockwood bradenlock83@gmail.com

Brian’s Feedback

  1. As a consumer, why would I do this? What's my motivation? (as a consumer, I'm giving up a lot of privacy for this, so benefits should be strong.)
  2. As a consumer there are two sets of motivations for onboarding clarity.
  3. Financial motivation - Lowered health premium costs and make Clarity a brand where healthy food options are more affordable for families that would otherwise eat unhealthy to save money.
  4. Other incentives - health management/improvement motivation
  5. Lack of specificity on who the client is. (focus on the EMR provider OR the insurance company but not both).
  • A summary of your eating habits and tips for improvement. This way, Clarity serves as an all-in-one tool to automatically manage your nutrient intake.
  • An ability to block transactions on all products that are not beneficial for you in the long term. This serves as insurance from a lapse of judgment on a bad day.
  • Ability to set up a similar block on your children’s accounts for added peace of mind.
  • A value add service: We can rate products in the local food stores to give you a better idea of what is really healthy, and what is just fancy marketing and a waste of money.


  • If consumer agrees to monitoring of purchases and pledges not to cheat by regularly getting bad food elsewhere, then I could imagine the insurance discount could pay for a person's food bill (hypothesis)
  • Even if the user is willing to cheat, the added friction would make it less convenient, and thus less likely. Plus, the benefit of possible premium reduction should serve as an incentive to keep up with good behavior.
  • As I suggested before, grocery stores keep track of all items purchased tied to your affinity card, so partnering with them seems like first step.
  • The biggest challenge here is figuring out what’s in this for the grocery stores. If a customer is no longer able to buy soda drinks in Dillons, they would go somewhere else, and Dillons loses.
  • One possible solution (inspired by Humana) is to give customers a Dillons gift card for healthy purchases rather than an insurance cost reduction. Humans are more sensitive to receiving “free money”, than savings on recurring expenses. Dillons will be happy with this as the gift cards would tie consumers with Dillons in order to spend the gift card balance.