
Terminal spaced repetition app programmed in C for Linux using the sm2 algorithim

Primary LanguageCThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Terminal Spaced Repetition App

How to run:

Only tested on my Linux. Your milage may vary.

./main cards.csv

Use make to create the main executable. Then run it, passing the path of a csv file as an argument. An example csv can be cound in the examples folder.


This app uses the SM-2 spaced repetition algorithim to show you flashcards just as you might forgot the contents. This allows you to learn the facts on the flashcards with the fewest repetitions.

It accepts a csv file as input and modifies it when run. The input csv file is first backed up to a backup folder with the current unix timestamp before changes are made.

If you type the null character (usually Control+D) then is will save your progress and quit.

Future Features:

  • More detail on the history of flashcards so you can graph your progress
  • Possibly some kind of image viewer (either in terminal like ranger or just open an external program for better compatibility)

Coding Style

Suckless Coding Style