
It's a twitter "app" that uses conky to show live tweets on the desktop

This is a conky/awk script used to output Twidge updates (CLI client for Twitter)
straight on your own desktop/background. It uses conky ( http://conky.sourceforge.net/ )
and Awk ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AWK ) to output the updates straight from
your twitter page using Twidge ( https://github.com/jgoerzen/twidge/wiki ).


Just install twidge and conky, use the command "twidge setup" (read the man page 
for more details) to connect your twitter account. Then put both .conkyrc and .conkyawk
files in your /home/<username> folder (where <username> is your system's user account)
and launch conky. Add it to your autostart programs if you need.


This script runs an interface that is optimized for my own desktop and color theme,
feel free to modify it and fix it as much as you like, everything is free and open :)


You can find me @ http://morgawr.not-a-number.net or mail me at morgawr@gmail.com