
EPFL Rocket Team - 2020 Bella Lui Project - Ground Segment part

Primary LanguageC++

EPFL Rocket Team - Bella Lui Project 2020

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. Repository organization tree
  3. GST system diagram
  4. Prerequisites
  5. Configure the XBee
  6. Building software
  7. Running the tests
  8. Information
  9. Appendix
    9.1 Datagrams description
    9.2 Tutorials


Project purpose

The EPFL Rocket Team association will be participating in the 10’000 feet SRAD Hybrid Engine category of the 2020 Spaceport America Cup, which will be held from June 16th to 20th.
For more information, visit https://epflrocketteam.ch/fr/ πŸš€


This repository represent the software of the Ground Segment subsystem. The main objective is to check that the mission is proceeding correctly via a two-way radio link with the other rocket subsystems. To do this, the ground station collects data from other subsystems (Avionics, Payload) in order to control the smooth running and also acts by sending radio commands to the Ground Support Equipment (GSE) in order to manage the ignition of the rocket.
Therefore, the software is composed of a part that manages the radio communication, i.e. reading and writing radio packets correctly according to a specific protocol. In addition, the user interaction part is established using a graphical user interface designed with Qt.
This C++ software will run on a Raspberry Pi 4 located in the "Ground Station case". Radio communication is established using XBee RF modems (868 MHz in CH and 915 MHz in USA).

Radio Network

Subsystem requirements


  • Display telemetry, GPS, status data on the GUI

GSE + Propulsion

  • Manage the ignition of the rocket (send correct code)
  • Manage the filling of the rocket via radio (open - close N2O valves)


  • Manage the transmission of a picture each 10 min
  • Display some sensors data on the GUI

Repository organization tree

β”‚   README.md
β”‚   CmakeLists.txt              main cmake file calling cmake subfiles
β”‚   autoBuild.sh                bash script to compile all this software   
β”‚   β”‚   CMakeLists.txt          Telecom compilation config
β”‚   └───Worker
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   Worker.h/cpp        Program main routine
β”‚   β”‚
β”‚   └───Serializer
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   Packet.h/cpp        Serialize basic data types into a uint8_t buffer
β”‚   β”‚
β”‚   └───DataHandler
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   DatagramTypes.h     DatagramID enum  
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   DataHandler.h/cpp   Manage Datagram at Tx & Rx
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   Datagram.h/cpp      Class that contains Data and a packet
β”‚   β”‚
β”‚   └───DataStructures
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   Data.h              Abstact superclass that all DataStructures must inherit
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   Template.h/cpp      Example to follow when creating new Data structures
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚                       // Then Data are sorted by substem
β”‚   β”‚   └───Basic               Basic generic class for simple data transmission
β”‚   β”‚   └───FrameInfo           Packet metadata required (XbeeOptions, Header, CRC)
β”‚   β”‚   └───File                Manage the transmission of a file
β”‚   β”‚   └───Avionics            Subsystem Data definition
β”‚   β”‚   └───GSE                 ""
β”‚   β”‚   └───Payload             ""
β”‚   β”‚   └───Propulsion          ""
β”‚   β”‚
β”‚   └───RFmodem
β”‚       β”‚   RFmodem.h/cpp       Superclass for RF communication
β”‚       β”‚   Xbee.h/cpp          Manage serial communication with a packet
β”‚       β”‚   LoRa.h/cpp          Same but adapted for this RF modem
β”‚       └───lib                 libraries for xbee and LoRa modem
└───RF-UI Interface             Allows the exchange of data between DataHandler & UI
β”‚   β”‚   connector.h/cpp         class containing an array<atomic<uint64_t>
β”‚   β”‚   ProtocolDefine.h        Define all indexes with an enum
β”‚   β”‚   Guiwindow.h/cpp         backend of the GUI main window
β”‚   β”‚   SecondWindow.h/cpp      backend of the 2nd window
β”‚   β”‚   ui_form.h               file auto generated by Qt (GUI front end)
β”‚   └───ui_file                 Qt Designer file from which ui_form.h can be generated
β”‚   └───assets                  All the images, icons, etc for the GUI
β”‚   β”‚   Logger.h/cpp            Manage file logging
β”‚   β”‚   Loggable.h/cpp          Superclass of all loggable entity eg: Datagram
β”‚   β”‚   ...
└───src                         all available executables
β”‚   β”‚   ERT2020GS.cpp           Main program with GUI
β”‚   β”‚   PacketXTest.cpp         Test the Tx or Rx of a specified Datagram
β”‚   β”‚   AVsimulator.cpp         Simulate AV computer by sending multiple AV Datagram
β”‚   β”‚   TestDebug.cpp           Test only the xbee transmission without this software
    β”‚   XbeeGS2020config.xpro   XCTU configuration file for xbee
    β”‚   Doxyfile                Allows to generate Doxygen documention of this software
    └───html                    Result of doxygen documentation
    └───archive                 Old code

Ground Station system diagram

GST Hardware diagram

GST Software diagram


  • Raspbian operating system installed

If you just buy a Raspberry Pi, please follow this part first Installation of Raspbian

First enable the SPI interface on your Pi with

sudo raspi-config

In Interfacing options

  • SPI
  • Serial

In order to have a correct building, you will need to install the following software

First open a terminal, and update your Raspberry Pi, then upgrade it

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Now we need to install cmake to compile the code

sudo apt-get install cmake

Install git to be able to clone this git repository

sudo apt-get install git

Then we need to install wiringpi to interact with the Raspberry Pi GPIO

sudo apt-get install wiringpi

If you aren't working on the RPi, do this to be able to build on Linux :

git clone https://github.com/WiringPi/WiringPi.git
cd WiringPi && ./build

(You can delete the WiringPi folder after a correct building)

Install necessary Qt5 packages on Raspberry Pi 4

Run the following command as sudo in order to get needed packages before installing Qt5

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Now you can refer to this tutorial: Tutorial source : https://vitux.com/compiling-your-first-qt-program-in-ubuntu/

Or simply enter the following commands:
To compile some Qt software

sudo apt-get install qt5-default

sudo apt-get install qtmultimedia5-dev

To be able to play sounds

sudo apt-get install libqt5multimedia5-plugins


sudo apt-get install qtcreator
sudo apt-get install qt5-doc qtbase5-examples qtbase5-doc-html 

Install & configure your Pi to run a GPS (optional)

First follow this tutorial to configure GPSD on your Raspberry Pi

Once this part achieved, install the library to use gpsd with c++

sudo apt-get install libgps-dev

So at every boot you have to run this command to be able to read GPS data via gpsd

 sudo gpsd /dev/ttyS0 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock

You can also add this command in the file /etc/rc.local in order to let the Raspberry Pi run this command automatically on boot

Configure the xbee

For a correct communication, if the xbee leaves the factory, you will have to flash the same configurations profile as the other xbee modules using XCTU software.
You can find this configuration profile in doc/XbeeGS2020config.xpro

Building software

First clone this GitHub repository in a folder using:

git clone https://github.com/MorgesHAB/ERT2020GS.git

Move to the root folder of the project and run the bash to compile and build the executable files:

sudo bash autoBuild.sh

If there are some errors :

  • Open the main CmakeLists.txt and select your build configuration. Maybe your Qt installation, or other get some errors.
set(USE_GUI ON) # write ON or OFF 
set(RUNNING_ON_RPI OFF) # OFF if you're working on your laptop
  • First test that the cmake works correctly
cd build
cmake ..
  • Then use make and specify your target, eg an executable without Qt :
make XbeeTest
make AVsimualtor

Running the tests

For this part, your working directory should be .../ERT2020GS/build. If this directory doesn't exist, just type mkdir build from ERT2020GS. First test that your xbee communication is working

make XbeeTest
./XbeeTest Tx ttyUSB0

After having run the autoBuild.sh script correctly (no errors), many executable should have been created in a "build" folder. The main program calls "ERT2020GS" and is the one run on the Ground Station with a graphical user interface.


How to use the software

Create a main.cpp file in the src directory. Add the executable in the main CmakeLists.txt
Add a Packet instance and your Transceiver instance and fill data on your packet. The Packet::write(T t) method can take all the data that are of a size 8, 16 or 32 bits. You can override this method and adapt it to for example string or GPS data as it's already done. This is the same thing for the Packet::parse(T t) method.

This is an example for the transmitter part with Xbee as RF modem :

#include "Packet.h"
#include "Xbee.h"

int main() {
    Xbee xbee;
    Packet packet;
    // fill your packet with some data
    packet.write("Hello World");

    // Finally send your packet by RF

    return 0;


Read doxygen documentation

Open this file in a web browser doc/html/index.html
For example you will find this class architecture diagram

Developed with

  • Hardware

    • Raspberry Pi 4 - SDRAM 4Go - SD card 32 Go
    • 2 Xbee SX 868 MHz + PCBs + Antennas
    • The Ground Station case (screens, battery, mouse, keyboard, ...)
  • Software

    • CLion from JetBrains
    • Qt Designer for the graphical interface
    • XCTU for xbee configurations

Operating system NB : development on linux is easy.
If you want to develop it on windows, I use ubuntu application and Xserver for UI display redirection. Thus you can interact with the serial port and so with the xbee.



Useful links



Datagrams description

Here is the communication protocol interface file that we share with other subsystems.
Zoom in for better visibility (svg).

Tutorial 1 : create a new Datagram

  • First, create a new DatagramID in DatagramTypes.h and modify the getDatagramIDName() function.
  • Then go in the constructor of DataHandler and create your new Datagram referred to as dataHandler[MY_DATAGRAMID] by adding it all the Data you want.
    NB : the "add" method calling order defines the data order in your packet.
dataHandler[DatagramID]->add(new MyData);

For example, if my DatagramID is "AVIONIC_TEST"

dataHandler[AVIONIC_TEST]->add(new BasicData<float>(DataType::TEMPERATURE_SENSOR));
dataHandler[AVIONIC_TEST]->add(new BasicData<float>(DataType::AV_ALTITUDE));
dataHandler[AVIONIC_TEST]->add(new BasicData<uint8_t>(DataType::AV_ORDER));
dataHandler[AVIONIC_TEST]->add(new String("Hello from space"));
dataHandler[AVIONIC_TEST]->add(new GPS);
//... and so on

You can add as much data as you want as long as the datagram (packet) size does not exceed 256 bytes.

If your Datagram is quiet basic, that means it only need to stock the received data in the RF-GUI connector or send a data located in that connector, you can use the generic "BasicData" class and only specify the connector index define in ProtocolDefine.h. Thus you will be able to process and print your data in the GUI program.

If your data is more complex, you have to create a new class that inherits of Data by following this Template.h.

// Pattern class
#include <Data.h>

class MyData : public Data {         // must inherite of the super class Data
    void write(Packet& packet) override;
    void parse(Packet& packet) override;
    void print() const override;

    bool updateTx(std::shared_ptr<Connector> connector) override;
    bool updateRx(std::shared_ptr<Connector> connector) override;

    float nbr;
    int x;
    char id;
    // ... Your class attributes

Then choose the data you want to transmit for example nbr & x
So you just need to implement the write & parse function by adding
Warning: the order is important.

void MyData::write(Packet &packet) {
    packet.write(nbr);  // Use low level function to write bit to bit the RFpacket
// Now in same same data order :
void MyData::parse(Packet &packet) {
    packet.parse(nbr);  // Use low level function to parse bit to bit the RFpacket

Finally, here is an example diagram of how to implement a new datagram

Tutorial 2 : change my RF modem

If you want to use other radio modules in addition of the xbee or LoRa, you will just need to adapt some part of the code.

First create your new RF module class and made it inherit from the abstract class RFmodem.h. Then you have to override the send and receive functions. You can have a look to Xbee.cpp as an example, but mainly, your send function must be able to transmit an array of uint8_t and your receive function to fill a uint8_t array with the received data. Next, if you need, override also the getRSSI and isOpen functions. If your new RF module requires some new library dependencies, be sure to adapt the CMakeLists.txt.

Finally you just need to change the RFmodem pointer with your new RF module instance in the mainRoutine of Worker.cpp.

Installation of Raspbian

Installation of Raspbian operating system on your Rapsberry Pi

Download the last version of Raspbian on (a file with .img extension): https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/

Then write the img file on your SD card. You can use Win32DiskImager as software

Plug a keyboard & a mouse via USB port and a screen via HDMI port to your Raspberry Pi. Finally plug the 5V power.