
You can support me and this project by buying a coffee

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Bugs & Feature Requests

if you are experiences any troubles or would like a feature please open a new Issue and chose the correct template.

you can click here to open a new issue



since this code lacks documentation the best help you can get is my knowledge, proper questions can be asked in this discord server, please note that I will not guide you to achieve something or answer beginner level questions

How to setup the project using IntelliJ

  1. within Intellij select File -> New -> Project from Version Control...
  2. insert for the URL field and hit Clone
  3. IntelliJ should automatically detect the Maven framework, if this is not the case you can rightclick the custom-league-client folder in the Project hierarchy and select Add Framework Support... then select Maven
  4. Make sure you are actually using a compatible Java version by selecting File -> Project Structure, navigate to Project within Project Settings and make sure both SDK and Language level have Java Version 17 or higher selected, hit OK
  5. To run the Code navigate to SwingUI/src/main/java/com/hawolt and rightclick LeagueClientUI, select Run LeagueClientUI.main()


Pull requests are always appreciated, please note that static data sources will not get merged as the data is available in the local game files, while they might not be present currently they will be at later stages of development, before writing a larger chunk of code please communicate on Discord if it is needed