
Using go to consume a police API

Primary LanguageGo

Police Police - Mashed Potatoes

This application will query the open Swedetish police events API, listening in on what happens in the fair kingdom of Sweden!


(These instructions are written for a Windows environment. If you use Linux then you either know how to adapt to these instructions or you switch back to Windows)

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/Morkalork/police-police-mashed-potatoes

Enter the directory and build the project:

go build cmd/ppmp/

This will generate a main.exe file which you can execute in whatever way you find most suiting (such as ./main.exe)

You can also install the software with the following command:

go install ./...

After this the package will be installed under $GOPATH/bin/ppmp.exe and can be executed by just entering ppmp in your terminal. Use the --help flag to get help, such as:

ppmp --help                         #Show the help
ppmp --hours=48                     #Show the events for the last 48 hours
ppmp --location=Stockholm           #Show the events only for Stockholm
ppmp --hours=12 --crimetype=Brand   #Show only the last 12 hours and only fires (Brand)

Since the Api will only allow for you to fetch the last 500 events that your search renders, try to be specific in your search.

It may look like this:

Police Police Mashed Potatoes in action!


There are tests available which can be executed by running the following command:

go test ./... -v

To get coverage, execute the following command:

go test -coverprofile=c.out ./...


I'm learning go, that's why.

No no dumb snut, why the name?

Oh, because of the swell old Swedish police film "Polis, polis potatismos" with Gösta Ekman as DC Beck. Good times!