Test repo for people to practice committing PR's to github

This is good resource to learn the basic git commands. https://www.w3schools.com/git/git_intro.asp?remote=github

Step 1

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/trevorcode/GitPracticeSite.git

and change directory into the project.

cd ./GitPracticeSite/

Step 2

Create a new branch

git checkout -b "MyNewBranch"

Step 3

Make your code changes

You can periodically use git status to see what files have been changed.

Step 4

Add files to be staged to commit

git add <filename or directory>

I tend to just do git add . as it will add all the files I've changed in the folder.

You can do git status again to check and see if they've been added correctly.

Step 5

Commit to your local repository/branch

git commit -m "Here is my commit message"

Step 6

Push branch

git push --set-upstream origin <Your Branch Name>

For example

git push --set-upstream origin MyNewBranch

Step 7

Go to your branch on github and open a new Pull Request