- 1
- 1
#203 opened by yusofthecodemaster - 0
Bug Ultimate Stew uncraftable
#224 opened by BTouu - 0
- 0
- 2
Weapon & Armor Rework Suggestions
#188 opened by TheDoc989 - 8
crash saying: Non [a-z0-9_.-] character in namespace of location: Avaritia:sounds.json
#220 opened by DrollestDuck88 - 0
[1.18.2] watchdog crash server by infinitysword
#221 opened by lycc193 - 4
uncraftable infinity catalyst
#206 opened by vexzen23 - 1
Where is the source code for the 1.18 version?
#213 opened by HumanGamer - 3
- 1
- 1
Items don't have their tooltip lore in the 1.18.2 version, except the Skullfire Sword
#217 opened by EpicGaming11195 - 1
- 1
1.16.5 port?
#218 opened by ArnauGames - 3
Create zh_cn.json for 1.18.2
#197 opened - 4
Create zh_cn.json
#210 opened - 3
Extreme Crafting Table item duplication
#209 opened by Draradech - 2
Move items to crafting[quickcraft]
#205 opened by rafalohaki - 1
Suggestion to rework the sword and armor
#208 opened by NefariousIntent2 - 2
Item Error
#212 opened by Dr-WeiAL - 3
Sword of The Cosmos not instakilling
#195 opened by TheDoc989 - 2
More of a request
#184 opened by star-krafter - 1
server1.18.2 NULLsingularity bug
#207 opened by hy9360 - 0
Minor Issues
#201 opened by ravennnnko - 0
- 1
can't seem to get extreme crafting scripts working
#204 opened by coaber - 1
Minor missing features/bugs
#199 opened by TheDoc989 - 0
Suggestions for Items & Changes
#200 opened by TheDoc989 - 0
Some related questions
#198 opened - 1
Compressor recipes Int amount converter ?
#185 opened by LnX-OrioN - 1
- 1
update 1.19.2?
#196 opened by Tatzq - 2
Licensing contradiction
#194 opened by tomodachi94 - 1
- 3
- 1
[1.7.10]how i can get it right
#193 opened by windmoxa - 1
Exception generating new chunk
#192 opened by TheN1K0L4Z - 1
Will it be put into 1.16.5
#191 opened by YinAndYangWolves - 2
- 0
Infinity Backpack Idea
#187 opened by TheDoc989 - 0
Avaritia (superslow/cant jump without armor)
#175 opened by Aventei - 2
#180 opened by Animatedfood - 1
Blacked out armour/tools
#182 opened by Bollie5 - 1
create a new bedrock mod
#183 opened by blocksqiud - 1
(1.12.2) Boring food for cosmic meatballs
#174 opened by Maximus-Gaming - 3
Model bug with infinity armor
#186 opened by UncoveredJager - 0
- 3
Could I advertise this wonderful mod to MCBBS
#179 opened by 800805 - 1
Update 1.16.5
#176 opened by dajiuji