
Google Analytics connector, pre-processor and model for predicting the shopping stage for e-commerce users.

Primary LanguagePython

MorphL Model for Predicting Shopping Stage


  1. On a VM running the MorphL Orchestrator, clone repository under /opt/ga_epna.
git clone ${WHERE_GA_EPNA_IS} /opt/ga_epna
  1. Create credentials files.
  • Add service account for connecting to the Google Analytics API in the /opt/secrets/ga_epna/service_account.json file.
  • Add Google Analytics view id in the /opt/secrets/ga_epna/viewid.txt file.
  1. Create environment variables:
bash /opt/ga_epna/setup_environment.sh
  1. Log out of airflow and back in again, and verify that your key file and view ID have been configured correctly:
env | grep GA_EPNA_VIEW_ID
  1. Setup Cassandra tables:
bash /opt/ga_epna/install.sh
  1. Load data from the Google Analytics API and start pipelines:
bash /opt/ga_epna/ingestion/load_historical_data/load_ga_epna_historical_data.sh